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Telephone Service in Milpitas

How to stop telemarketers and Robocalls.

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Telephone Area Codes in Milpitas, CA, are 408 and 669

– Program this number in your cell phones. Goes to our local dispatch.
911 goes to Vallejo where calling number linked to an address, so use from home or business phones.
For all other non-emergency questions about police or fire services, call their business numbers:
408-586-2400 for Milpitas Police
408-586-2800 for Milpitas Fire

What I do to avoid telemarketers

For my land line, I have bought this phone system at Staples for about $100: AT&T 2-Handset Cordless/Corded Telephone, Silver/Black (CL84207) with Answering System & Smart Call Blocker, Silver/Black with 2 Handsets. Its built-in software blocks telemarketing calls, but also allows you to whitelist friends by asking them their name and to hit #.

On our cell phones we did two things. First I downloaded the free ringtone: Silence. I then made it my default ringtone. I gave all people and businesses I don’t mind hearing from a sounding ringtone. Look on YouTube on how to install a new ringtone on your cell phone. So that telemarketers can’t even get that far, I got the app from AT&T to protect my phone from fraudulent calls. Their software selection here works on both iPhones and Android system cell phones.

Directory Assistance
Free Directory Assistance for Cell Phones
You can get directory assistance on your cell phone (or land line) at 1-800-FREE 411 (or 1-800-373-3411). And it’s free. Add this number to your cell phone now, before you actually need it. The service is voice activated and offers the option to connect the call. Of course, nothing is entirely free, so be prepared to listen to a brief audio advertisement. For more details, visit Snopes.

Calling Bargains
A comprehensive telecom resource, providing industry news, consumer info and advice, as well as reviews for a broad array of telecom products and services with an emphasis on low cost calling solutions including 1+ long distance, Internet phone service, cell phone plans, conference call and more.

Do Not Call Registry
Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free. Your registration will be effective for five years. File a complaint here.

What’s up with the National Do Not Call Registry?
The Do Not Call Data Book also shows that many of the calls reported at are robocalls. Just keep in mind that pre-recorded sales calls are illegal whether you’re on the Registry or not unless a company has your written permission to call you that way.


Local phone service is provided by AT&T. At this site you can get an overview of the products and services offered to businesses and residents in Milpitas.

AT&T Retail Locations
185 Ranch Dr., 408-942-7570
447 Great Mall Road, 408-809-2816

Verizon Infinitel Communications
We offer the latest iPhones. Browse and buy online and pick up in the store or arrange for delivery.
172 Ranch Dr.

Directory Assistance

Area Code Listing, by Number
Have an area code and need to know where it is located? This page will help. Use your browser’s Find command to search fo a city to find its area code.

City of Milpitas Telephone Directory
Telephone numbers for City of Milpitas services and information.


Milpitas Science, Technology, and Innovation Commission
The Commission considers and recommends information technology services to benefit the Milpitas community.

California Public Utilities Commission – Internet and Phone
Learn all about the telecommunications regulation in California, including consumer programs, policies, broadband maps, tariffs and rates, quality reports, area codes, and more.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.


California net neutrality bill bends to telco, cable wishes
Senate bill 822 was approved by the senate energy, utilities and communications committee mid-April, 2018, on a party line vote, with the condition that undisclosed changes, negotiated behind closed doors, would be made. Those amendments were finally released, and the result is fewer net neutrality enforcement options.

Be on the lookout for phone fraud
From slamming to cramming and everything in between, con artists and companies have tapped into telephone bills as a place to bilk consumers out of money they shouldn’t owe. Learn to spot the most common phone frauds.

Rate Comparison

Fastest Mobile Networks in Bay Area 2021
We tested data speeds on AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless in 30 US cities. Find out which network is the fastest where you live.

Recycle Cell Phones

Cash for Trash Fundraising Program
A new approach which enables your organization to generate significant revenue. Simply collect old unused cell phones that many people have just lying around.

Helps schools and nonprofit organizations Unlock the Power to fundraising success. The nation’s largest free recycling fundraising program, FundingFactory offers free technology, sports & recreation equipment, playground systems and even cash in exchange for empty inkjet & laser cartridges and used cell phones.

How and Where to Donate Old Cell Phones Sustainably
Considering donating your old cell phone? It’s not only an environmentally friendly choice but also a way to support meaningful causes. Before donating, it’s essential to ensure your data is secured. Simple steps include backing up your data, unlocking the phone, and resetting it to factory settings. Includes steps for prepping your old phone for donation.

Green Ewaste Recycling Center
We provide FREE pickup and disposal services to customers recycling at least 5 larger items including Computers, LCD Monitors, Notebooks, Networking Equipment, Test Equipment, Servers. Please visit our our pick-up page for detailed information.
1664 Watson Ct.
408- 898-8640

Recycle Wireless Phones
Most cell phone companies will now take back and recycle most cell phones and their accessories, such as battery chargers. Check here for how and where to recycle.