Sunnyhills Neighborhood History
Please join Executive Producers Donnie Eiland and David Mosqueda for a special virtual viewing of…
54: The Story Of The First Planned Integrated Community In The Country
History of the Sunnyhills Neighborhood Association
Sunnyhills was the first planned racially-integrated community in the United States in 1956, arranged by a Union co-op of the United Auto Workers. Today, Sunnyhills still has one of the highest levels of integration of any neighborhood. More detailed version.
Sunnyhills Neighborhood Association June 2022 Breakfast Meeting
K’Meyer related the story of how the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker social action organization, and the United Auto Workers union cooperated in the early 1950s to build Sunnyhills, an intentionally integrated community, to provide housing for the Black and white workers at the Milpitas Ford factory—one of the first interracial housing developments in the nation. Copies of her book are available from the Neighborhood Association and The Milpitas Historical Society.
The Untold Stories of Sunnyhills, Where History Was Made
By Rhoda Shapiro
February 14, 2019
Story how Milpitas resident Donnie Eiland came up with the idea to film a history of Sunnyhills, the neighborhood he grew up in. Back in January, 2019, Eiland flew Ben Gross’ son, Benjamin Gross, Jr., out from Minnesota to take part in the documentary. During his stay, Benjamin spoke at a couple of community events to share fascinating stories about his father, who passed away in 2012, and what it was like to grow up in Sunnyhills.
Sunnyhills…and The Soviet Union?
After the Kitchen Debate, Ben Gross (senior) had been in constant contact with Walter Reuther (President of the UAW), and asked that Reuther extend an invitation to Khrushchev to visit Sunnyhills. Gross wanted the Soviet leader to see an integrated community with his own eyes.
Khrushchev accepted and, once in Milpitas, made a special stop.
The Grosses threw a barbecue in the backyard to welcome the Premier. Khrushchev, his son, and five other officials came out to their Sunnyhills home. A visit to five different homes in the neighborhood was also set up, so that Khrushchev could witness the integrated neighborhood in action.
The event was not disclosed to the media. In fact, Russian security officials confiscated Benjamin’s camera, which is why no photos of the Premier’s visit exist.
I <3 Ol’ School Milpitas!
For those who grew up in, went to school in, spent time in, or love somebody from Milpitas. Please keep ALL posts about memories of people and events from Milpitas.
History of Milpitas: the 1900s
On January 26, 1954, Milpitas residents incorporated as a city that included the recently built Ford Auto Assembly plant.
Sunnyhills United Methodist Church History 1957-1982
Sunnyhills United Methodist Church was officially dedicated in January of 1959. Sunnyhills has been blessed with excellent and varied styles of leadership.