Stink in Milpitas-Smell Map
The Silicon Valley odor problem seems incomprehensible. Learn about the history and current issues of the stink from Newby Island Landfill.
When I was a youngster 60 or so years ago, we had a song we would sing as we drove from Oakland to Santa Cruz for a day at the Beach-Boardwalk. We’d drive our parents nuts with the repetitive drone of “doo-do-n-do-doo” over and over again, and then shouting out the name of each city we went through for the whole hour+ drive. Each had a specific hand gesture, and I don’t remember most of them any longer, but for Milpitas we’d make the gesture of rolling up the car windows with window cranks (Remember those?) while really rolling up the windows as fast as we could. No air conditioned cars back in those days! Windows down the whole way…except through Milpitas. The stink was so bad back in the 50’s and 60’s and…so on. Back then the explanation was the rotten fruit and fruit peels from the canneries around here.
So why, 60 years later, does Milpitas still stink?
Milpitas has a history of odor problems that are related to industrial activities, landfills, and waste processing facilities in the surrounding areas. The smell that occurs when there are odor issues in Milpitas can come from many different sources, including sewage treatment plants, landfills, garbage dumps, petrochemical plants, and other industrial facilities. The exact source of the bad air smell can be difficult to pinpoint, and it may also be due to natural factors such as atmospheric conditions or wind patterns. Milpitas has worked to address the odor issues by regulating the industrial facilities and working with neighboring cities and counties to find solutions that reduce the odors.
Milpitas Smell Map

Milpitas Odor Info
The number one thing you can do is call the BAAQMD odor hotline (1-800-334-ODOR (6367)) every time you smell it, see the reporting page. Subscribe to a BAAQMD email list. The City of Milpitas is trying to do several things to help with the odor issue. However, Milpitas has no jurisdiction on The Newby Island Landfill OR the San Jose Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Why Does the Dump Near Milpitas Smell So Bad?
The unpleasant smell near Milpitas, often attributed to the Newby Island Landfill and the nearby wastewater treatment plant, is caused by the decomposition of organic waste. When organic materials like food scraps and other biodegradable waste break down, they release gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide, in particular, has a characteristic rotten egg smell and is highly noticeable even at low concentrations.
Factors That Exacerbate the Smell:
- Weather Conditions: Temperature inversions, where a layer of warm air traps cooler air near the ground, can prevent the dispersion of odors, making them more concentrated and noticeable.
- Wind Direction: The direction and speed of the wind can carry the odors from the landfill and treatment plant towards populated areas like Milpitas.
- Proximity: Milpitas is relatively close to these facilities, making it more susceptible to the odors they produce.
Efforts to Mitigate the Smell:
Efforts have been made to reduce the smell, including covering the waste with soil or other materials to reduce gas emissions and using odor-neutralizing agents. However, completely eliminating the odor is challenging due to the nature of the waste decomposition process.
According to the Milpitas Odor Control Action Plan, potential sources of odors in the Milpitas area include:
- Newby Island Landfills & composting operations.
- GreenWaste Zanker Resource Recovery Facility.
- Santa Clara / San Jose Wastewater Facility AKA Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP).
- Zanker Landfill & Composting Facility.
A child explains the Silicon Valley odor problem to us adults in this Milpitas Odor Info video. Learn about the history and current issues surrounding Newby Island Landfill Expansion in the heart of Silicon Valley.
Politics and Lawsuits
Dateline June 12, 2018. Republic Services and other facilities throughout California lobbied and killed AB 1975 (the odor taskforce bill). Opposition worked it hard this year and got facilities throughout the state to send letters and call their assembly members. Not enough votes to get the bill off the Assembly floor. It is very disappointing that other state assemblymen would go against a harmless bill that merely mandates the participation of odor nuisance offenders in a local task force. Kansen Chu’s staff will continue working with the air districts and local enforcement agency to see if something else can be done outside of legislation in the meantime. (Kansen Chu is no longer our state assembly member, and I don’t know if Alex Lee or Bob Wieckowski (our State Senator) has taken up the problem.)
Milpitas landfill reaches $210K settlement with Air District over pollution violations
September 1, 2022. CBS News
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced a settlement Thursday over numerous violations at the Newby Island Landfill in Milpitas. Browning-Ferris Industries of California Inc., and International Disposal Corp. of California agreed to pay $210,000 to settle with the air quality district. The settlement covers 30 notices of violation from 2014 to 2020 for non-compliance with air quality regulations at the landfill.
City Hall Phone Numbers to Talk to Someone
BAAQMD 3/20/2017 discussion of the San Jose/Milpitas odor issues
Watch Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty grilled BAAQMD staff. He has gotten a lot of complaints from his constituents. He spoke out against San Jose’s bad decision and BAAQMD’s inaction. He called out the poor facilities siting near resident and that San Jose clearly stuck it to Milpitas and Fremont. He suggested San Jose should have used the existing ACE rail tracks to send waste to Altamont Landfill (in rural Livermore with no odor complaints) instead of processing waste within urban areas.
Milpitas, Calif., Opts to Continue Litigation Over Landfill Expansion Decision
The Milpitas City Council voted to continue litigation against the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for not considering odor complaints in approving a landfill expansion.
Waste360 Staff | Jun 16, 2017
In November 2016, after putting off its decision for several months, Milpitas selected Garden City Sanitation Inc. as its new hauler, replacing longtime collector Republic Services.
OPINION: We Must Get Rid of The Smell
By Eric Shapiro, in Opinion on July 23, 2018.
In my mind, often, I say the word “Smellpitas.” Sometimes, while complaining, I say it out loud. And a dear colleague tells me “Milstinkas” is out there, in good, solid circulation. What exactly’s going on here? And how has it been allowed to sustain for so many years?
“They” keep telling us, “The number one thing you can do is call the BAAQMD odor hotline every time you smell it.” So the City put up this webpage with a form that allows you to complain about a bad odor. You will need to have location services turned on so they can map exactly where you reported the smell.
Report odor to 1-800-334-6367 or click here.
We tried to limit expansion
Should a South Bay landfill on the border of San Jose and Milpitas be allowed to expand? Neighbors say no, and with a decision later this month, many neighbors are escalating grass-roots efforts to stop the expansion. NBC Bay Area’s Marianne Favro reports with a closer look at their last-ditch efforts to curb the unbearable smell. (Published Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015)
Home Buyers Beware!
The south end of town is spared the smell. Anywhere south of Calaveras Blvd. to the San Jose border. The older neighborhoods with yards are on the hill side (east side) of Milpitas and have names like Parktown (homes clustered around parks), and Milford. The southwest side of town, where BART is going in and Light Rail already exists, has lots of brand new condo-style homes. If you are very rich, living in a mansion in the hills is an option, but you will need to worry about wildfires, landslides, rattlesnakes, and coyotes eating pets. Oh, and wells going dry, and less than optimal sewage systems.
Where is the Newby Island Landfill, and What is Near it?

Note that the San Jose/Santa Clara waste water treatment plant is also in the same area. The future plans for this facility includes major odor mitigation strategies like covering the sludge drying area. However, this will take many years to fund and implement.
See also ~ Recycling & Garbage