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Use GoMilpitas.com as your daily connection with everyone living and working in Milpitas, and all their activities and businesses. GoMilpitas was and still is the original town water cooler! Support our town by spending time and money right here in town, rather than supporting new sites where the money goes out of state in a heartbeat!

As GoMilpitas.com passes its 24th anniversary, I, Ann Zeise, a resident of Milpitas since 1983, want to take the time to remind you why we’re here and what this site is all about. It is all about you and what you find great and fascinating about Milpitas, California!

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I have designed this website here at my home on Grand Teton Dr. with YOU in mind at all times. I have listened to you when I ran into you at Milpitas events, in Milpitas stores, and when you emailed me for over 20 years. There is a Facebook page and a Facebook Group where you can comment and have a way to tell others what you like best now. GoMilpitas.com doesn’t just hope this site will strengthen our community: it has already been doing this for over 20 years! It was created in 1997, well before the city government site, even!

Unlike Patch, which is owned by AOL in New York, the income I make here from advertising gets mostly spent here in Milpitas. I pay local property taxes. I get my hair cut at locally. I keep my money in the Commonwealth Credit Union. I go to local doctors and dentists as needed. I am a paying member and/or regularly attend the Chamber of Commerce, the Camera Club, and the Historical Society, though with my recent back and leg problems…and with Covid-19 precautions, I’ve been rather home bound.

Books About Milpitas

Images of America
by Robert Burrill
$21.95 or $25 with author signature.
Call 408-263-5468 to order.
Robert L. Burrill, Milpitas filmmaker and photography teacher for more than 35 years, has combed the archives of the Milpitas Historical Society, private local collections, and his own works to find more than 200 vintage photographs chronicling the heritage, enterprise, and wit of Milpitas from the 1700s to the present day.

Little Cornfields
Little Cornfields
Hardcover editions of Milpitas : The Century of Little Cornfields 1852 – 1952 by Patricia Loomis are available by making a donation of $18 (or more) to the Milpitas Historical Society. Paperback edition is available for $8.

To receive one of these fine books, you are invited to attend one of the Milpitas Historical Society meetings any 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Library at 7p when this book will also be available.