Fred Examines Tree
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Wind Storm, October 22, 2000

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Wind Storm Blasts its Way Through Milpitas

Dateline: October 22, 2000

By Ann Zeise

Several people were injured when trees fell upon them during heavy winds. Power lines were knocked down and several sections of the city were without power at various times throughout the day. Some new construction at the Pac Bell station was blown over. Most citizens spent Sunday cleaning up debris or helping neighbors.

tree on Yosemite Dr
A tree on Yosemite Dr. fell on this sports car. It appeared later on that the car had some dents, but was drivable.
Long fence along Jacklin
Long fence along Jacklin Rd. east of I-680 blew down from one end to the other.
Another view of Fallen Fence
Another view of Fallen Fence along Jacklin Rd.
Newly constructed walls at the PacBell substation blew over.
Newly constructed walls at the PacBell substation blew over.
Another view of SubStaion
Another view of SubStaion
Fred Examines Tree
Fred Zeise examines willow tree that fell down next to the Community Center, narrowly missing a picnic table and a utility box.
A large tree in Ben Rodgers Park
A large tree in Ben Rodgers Park fell on the Grand Teton home of Fred and Ann Zeise. Ann is your Go Milpitas guide for this website. The new roof has a dent along the edge, and so far the fence has stayed upright. Hopefully, the City will give the wood to the Zeises for winter firewood.