Pests & Control
Bee Man getting the honey bee hive
out of our house.
Who to call if you are being bugged by some insect or animal pest in Santa Clara County. How to avoid attracting pests to your property.
Oriental fruit fly
Milpitas is in the fruit fly quarantine area. County of Santa Clara Division of Agriculture urges residents in the quarantine area not to move homegrown fruits and vegetables from their property. These fruits and vegetables may, however, be consumed or processed (e.g., juiced, frozen, cooked or ground in the garbage disposal) on the property where they were grown. Affected residents may also dispose of homegrown fruits and vegetables by double-bagging and sealing them and placing them in their regular trash bins, not in bins designated for organic material and food scraps.
Animal Services Referral List
Who to call for dead or injured animal pickup, help with trapping or containing strays or pests.
Professional Wildlife Removal
AAA Creature Catchers operates throughout the San Jose region. Please don’t call about cats or dogs, just pesty wildlife.
Santa Clara County Vector Control District
When it isn’t cute, looks like it bites, and is in your yard, then you can call these folks to help you out. The County Vector Control District is located at 1580 Berger Drive, San Jose.
Small Bees
A family-run business. He rescues honey bees infesting homes and other unwanted places, and brings them home, makes sure they are healthy and content. She turns the honey and the comb into products to be sold at local farmers’ markets. Best parts: you get a lesson about honey bees, and a good chunk of the honey comb! Located in Los Gatos, but close enough to Milpitas.
Local Pests
These are commonly observed pests in Santa Clara County.
Because coyotes are so adaptable, problems may arise if they become comfortable seeking food or living in suburban and urban neighborhoods.
Domestic Rodents
Roof rats, Norway rats, mice and other rodents constitute an ongoing problem to residents in Santa Clara County. Rodents, especially roof rats are common co-inhabitants in our homes, regardless of socio-economic boundaries.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are an ever-increasing problem that has no silver bullet fix, but there are ways to combat the steady infestation. Our web site was created with the purpose of educating the public through articles and news about dust mites.
Town Cats
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) has proven to be the most humane and effective method of managing feral cat populations.
195 San Pedro AvenueBldg C, Unit 12Morgan Hill, CA 95037
408-779-5761 voicemail-only phone number
Feral Pigeons
The list goes on and on: the feral pigeon has contributed to civilisation in more ways than any other species of bird. So how – and, perhaps more importantly, why – has it become such a pariah?
Management of mosquitoes in Santa Clara County presents an ongoing challenge due to the variety of developmental sites and their proximity of urban areas.
Pocket Gophers – UC Pest Management Guidelines
Pocket gophers often invade yards and gardens, and feed on many garden crops, ornamental plants, vines, shrubs, and trees. They are classified as non-game mammals by the California Fish and Game Code.
Starlings are non-native invasive species and are not protected by The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which means that federal law allows humane destruction of adults, nests, eggs, and young.
Potential Pests
These are a threat, but have not reached our county yet, though they may be in other parts of California. If you suspect you’ve seen one of these, call one of the agencies fast!
Africanized Honey Bees
No, these haven’t reached Milpitas yet, but they are in Southern California.
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
A very fine mist or a whitish, powdery coating on leaves or fruit may indicate heavy glassy-winged sharpshooter feeding. Large, yellow sticky traps are commonly used in orchards to monitor for the adults.
Red Imported Fire Ants
These red ants originated in South America and infestations have been recently discovered in Modesto. These destructive and aggressive ants will bite.
CDC West Nile Virus Homepage
Even though summer is nearing its end, many human West Nile virus infections happen during September.
Something bugging you I haven’t a link for? Got a link for this site that will help us here in Milpitas get rid of some pest — one the of the critter type only, please! Want to advertise your local pest service? — contact me.