Calendars of Events In and Near Milpitas
Are you looking for something fun or entertaining or enlightening to do this month? Here are calendars of events from South Bay organizations that list their activities online.
Milpitas Calendars
***GoMilpitas Event List***
View numerous events posted on GoMilpitas. Do you have an event you’d like to list? Either email or call our webmaster, Ann Zeise. Community members are invited to submit Milpitas non-profit events open to all in the Go Milpitas Group on Facebook.
Big Dog Vineyards
Select Events by month. Calendar of Wine Tasting – usually first weekend in warm-weather months – and concerts.
Chamber of Commerce
Parties, mixers, forums, luncheons and more.
City of Milpitas Meetings Calendar
City Council and Commission meetings. Watch streaming city meetings here. During the live meeting, comments in writing may be submitted for Public Forum at the beginning of the City Council or Commission meeting, or for a public hearing or a listed item on the agenda, via this form, and the comments can be read aloud for the public record.
City Special Events Calendar
Outline of special events scheduled on the City Calendar. See the Full calendar which includes all city meetings, such as city council and commission meetings as well.
Community Library Events
Programs and events for toddlers, school-aged children, teens, adults and seniors held at the Milpitas Community Library.
Community Organization Meetings
We have many community organizations, many of which welcome visitors to their meetings and social events.
Eventbrite: Things to do in Milpitas
See what’s going on in our sunny city!
Humane Society Events
Playgroups for dog owners. Summer camps for pet-loving kids. Training for dogs. Orientation for owning a cat. Spay/Neuter clinics, etc.
India Community Center: Calendar
Events, classes, workshops, meetings and more.
Recreation Department Calendar
Concerts, Movies, Pool Parties and more!
Calendars in Nearby Places
Around Town Events
NBC3/KNTV-11 sponsors a wide variety of events in the South Bay. Here’s what’s coming up soon.
Bay Area Orienteering Club Event Schedule
We’ve gone orienteering with this group for several years now at Bay Area parks. Object is, with a map and compass, to locate ‘controls’ and not get lost. For local club, change “All Meetings” to “BOAC.”
Bay Area Parent Events Calendar
Silicon Valley events and activities of interest to families.
Children’s Discovery Museum
Special programs on opened days at this favorite place for the younger set.
Eventful – Things To Do in San Jose, CA
Books, Celebrities, Comics and Games, Restaurants, Events, Eye, Horoscopes, Movies, Local theaters, Videos/DVDs, Music, Concert venues, Nightlife, Performing Arts, Performance venues, TV, Local attractions, Visual Arts.
Fremont Chamber of Commerce Calendar
Check this page for upcoming chamber events in our neighboring city to the north.
Meetups within 2 miles of Milpitas City Center
For today and the next couple of days. (Note: Meetup not always accurate about the mileage to the meetings they list, so double check location.)
SanJose.com Events
To be listed in the Calendar, create an account and list here.
Palo Alto Online’s Master Community Calendar for the Midpeninsula
Instantly find out what is going on around the Midpeninsula. Palo Alto Online has the most complete calendar listings, drawn from three Midpeninsula newspapers — the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and Mountain View Voice — and made them more comprehensive, up-to-date and easier to search.
San Jose Convention & Visitors Bureau
General Visitors Information and Events.
Santa Clara Calendar of Events
From the visitors bureau.
Santa Clara County Parks Calendar of Events
Take hikes with a ranger to discover plants and animals and locations of historical significance.
Stanford Featured Events Calendar
Lectures, readings and talks to which all are invited.
Also check out their other calendars by event type, such as Performances, or Exhibits.
Sunnyvale Downtown Events
Encourages visitors to downtown Sunnyvale.
UCSC “Prof and a Pint” Lecture Series
A new series of informal discussions served over dinner and drinks at Forager Tasting Room and Eatery in the booming SOFA district of San Jose. Future talks will be held on the second Monday of each month and include everything from organic artichokes to endangered zebras, self-driving cars to Shakespeare. All are welcome.