Milpitas Camera Club
About the Milpitas Camera Club
Photographer Kaz (right) has organized local camera enthusiasts interested in meeting monthly or more often to share photography tips and occasionally go on photographic field trips. Ann Zeise was co-founder. The club was founded in 2004.
All are welcome to visit our meetings, and friends of members may go along on field trips. Membership allows you to join competitions and shows, and to get our newsletter and participate in our galleries.
Next Meeting:
Our meetings are
on the second Tuesday of each month
and usually held on Zoom, except for special events.
Recent Print Show Judging
Some definitions for photos entered for judging:
- General-A and General-B: Members choose their category (A=advanced or B=beginner). Almost anything goes. Evaluation will be based primarily on pictorial content with the only restriction being that subject matter should not be offensive to the average adult audience.
- Monochrome: black and white, sepia, or any other shades of one color and white
- Travel: Expresses the feeling of a time and place, and portray a land, its people, or a culture in its natural state. Techniques that add to, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the image, without changing the photo travel content, are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Titles are part of the story and will be read during judging. They should be an accurate description of the subject.
- Creative is an image of altered reality, produced by use of tools or techniques to manipulate the image during any part of the work flow. Emphasis in this Division is placed upon creativity and originality.
- Mobile images must be taken and edited on a mobile device, such as a smart phone or tablet. Images taken on a GoPro or a drone would be in this category unless the topic fits well in one of the others.
Where to submit digital photos for meetings or shows:
Photo Pursuits
Members only with ID and password.
To Join or get More Information: Contact our membership chairs,
Milpitas Camera Club Photography Show 2010.
Music played by the Milpitas Community Band. Music from 1901. Recorded on my iPhone! Ann Zeise.
Milpitas Camera Club
- Past Field Trip Reports
- Look here if you would like to find interesting places to snap some great photos where we have gone before!
Milpitas Camera Club Favorite Links
Robert Burrill
Over the years, Burrill’s vision was greatly sharpened, his technique refined with exceptional emphasis on composition and historical importance. Today he is busy digitally printing his own fine art photographs, wrote two books on local history, and makes and distributes films in DVD depicting the magic of art and the creative process.
Dave’s pictures
Our member Dave posts his photos from field trips here.
Jim Melton’s Photo Galleries
Jim has some instructional photos here, as well as lots of animals and flowers.
Ann Zeise’s Photos on Facebook
Photos posted on Ann’s Wall from newest to oldest. She shoots and edits mobile.
Fremont Art Association Digital Photography Group
Over the course of the next year we have 10 free field trips, a critique session, and an entry level photo class. These events occur on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Contact Cooksey, (510) 742-0548.
Digital Outback Photo
Fine art outdoor photography using digital cameras.
Digital Photography Review
Where you’ll find all the latest in digital photography and imaging news, reviews of the latest digital cameras and accessories, the most active discussion forums, a large selection of sample images, a digital camera buyers guide, side-by-side comparisons and the most comprehensive database of digital camera features and specifications.
ETCETERA, colors, profiles, etc.
Digital camera profiles, colors, and more.
Steve’s Digicams
Digital camera reviews, amateur to professional, latest industry news, digital camera discussion board, Digital Photo of the Day, photo-quality printers, image scanners, digital video, video capture devices.
Learn and share photos and tips.
Stanford University Film, Photography and Video Requests
The University recently stepped up enforcement of its photography policy, leaving photographers uncertain about whether they are technically allowed to photograph Stanford landmarks. Security guards patrolling the Main Quad and other campus landmarks have been instructed to question the intent of individuals with professional camera equipment.