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User Groups in Silicon Valley

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Geeks love to meet up and do coding together or share their knowledge of computing devices. Join one or more users group to learn and share about your area of interest.

Clubs and Places

Hacker Dojo
A collaborative hackerspace where tech enthusiasts gather to build, experiment and improve. Get 24/7 access to our training ground with your digital key. Work in our shared or quiet spaces, book meeting rooms, or tinker in our maker labs.
855 Maude Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043


Coders, Software Developers

IMUG: The Original Multilingual Computing User Group
The International Multilingual User Group has been a forum for GILT* professionals and language technology users since 1987. We meet regularly in Silicon Valley. If you work with or work on computers, smartphones, software, websites or other projects in more than one human language, please join us!

Open Source San José
An all-volunteer organization that works on civic innovation and government technology projects. Our mission is to make community services more transparent, accessible, and equitable by collaborating with local government and community-based organizations on open-source, free-to-use projects.

Silicon Valley Java User Group
This Java User Group (JUG) is for anyone interested in learning more about JEE web application development. We meet at Google in Mountain View, California, on the third Wednesday of the month.


Google Developer Group Silicon Valley
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the GooglePlex in Mountain View. Our meetings will always be free and open to the general public.


East Bay Linux Users Group
EBLUG meets at Hurricane Electric, 760 Mission Court, Fremont. For Linux enthusisasts who live between San Francisco and Silicon Valley who wish to participate once a month with other people who are also Linux and open source enthusiasts. All meetings are free and food and refreshments are provided by our host Hurricane Electric.


Society for Technical Communication
The Silicon Valley Chapter of the STC is a dynamic, exciting chapter with much to offer its members and the members of chapters around Northern California.

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