Milpitas Chamber of Commerce Invitation Form
Not yet a Milpitas Chamber of Commerce member? Haven’t been a member for 3 years or longer?
Let me invite you to join the Milpitas Chamber of Commerce and share the benefits the already enjoys.
Have you heard that Gaye Morando is back, and selling memberships? She will get back to you once you have sent in this form.
You will get tools to grow your business (See list in image below.), and I get credited $20 toward my membership dues, which would really help, since this site doesn’t make very much money for “extras” like membership dues.
Print out this image, and fill out the top of the form below where it asks for your business name (Referred business), the contact name of the person doing the joining, their phone number and email address.

Mail to:
Milpitas Chamber of Commerce
828 N. Hillview Dr.
Milpitas CA 95035
or fax to 408-262-2823
or scan and send file to
If you decide to call or drop by, be sure to tell them you were referred by