
Fireworks Set-Up for 4th of July 2002

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A lot of work went into setting up the fireworks display on the 4th of July, 2002. Pyro Spectaculars is a very active company that hires professionally licensed “pyros” to manage the display set-up. They usually have a crew of friendly volunteers who turn out to help with various aspects of the two-day process.

The Zeise family has now helped out twice. Here are some photos of the whole gang working on the non-explosive part on July 3rd, which is why you’ll see some children.

For current 4th of July plans in Milpitas, check the Events Calendar.

First sandboxes are set up. These are held together with metal stakes and cotter pins for fast set-up and take down.
For the most part, the tubes are made of the PVC-type material used to make drains for your home plumbing, though a few were made of iron and were quite heavy. They had diameters of 3″, 4″, 5″, and 6″.
These are set up in a specific order in each box, well away from the sides and each other. They are inspected for any debris left from a previous display.
The finale fireworks are in their own green containers in the background of this photo.
Jim Mcworter
Jim Mcworter figures out how to get the little cat off of its trailer: dive forward verrrrryyyy slooooowly and let it tip.
Covers are placed
Covers are placed over the tubes to keep sand from getting into them.
Sand Handling
After the first dump, it was decided to have a group of volunteers hold the tops on while the sand was carefully shoveled out by hand.
Ready to move the lids
Ready to move the lids over to the next box of tubes.
The building in the background is part of KLA Tencor, which makes semiconductor equipment. Both they and Quantum (now Maxtor) were nice about letting us and the evening crowd use their parking lots.
It is doubtful this field will be around for many more 4th fireworks display.
fireworks all wired up
July 4th, the fireworks all wired up and in their foil-covered tubes. Should a live one not go off, the foil would serve as a warning. The afternoon is wearing down and we take a break for dinner before the show will start. Note the white bee-hive boxes back against the levy. We were a little nervous about disturbing the bees.