Happy 4th of July
Community Matters

Hobbies & Interests Groups in Milpitas

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If you’d like to join with others who have a hobby, talent or interest like you in Milpitas, you’ll find a long list here.

Advocacy & Service

Graffiti Terminators
Become a graffiti terminator and help beautify Milpitas

Silicon Valley Women’s Organizations and Resources
Whether you are a woman wanting to network with other moms or business women or those of your culture, we have links to women’s organizations for you!

Arts & Creative Hobbies

Camera Club
Meets monthly for a meeting on second Tuesdays, and holds field trips to take photographs in lovely surroundings. Classes on matting and other photography tips. Contests and community displays.

Golden Hills Art Association
A fairly active group of artists, though not online much. Find announcements about meetings in print media.

Peaceful Poets
The Peaceful Poets are a Milpitas-based group of writers and appreciators of poetry. Their works have been published in the Milpitas Post and Fremont Bulletin. Facebook for meeting dates and times.


Gardening with Natives
A special interest group of the California Native Plant Society’s local Chapter which meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7p in the Community Library. The group is open to all, and includes a mix of seasoned native plant gardeners as well as beginners.

Local (Milpitas) Home Gardeners Club 2018
This is a community based home gardening club begun to provide education, share pointers, trade and exchange, and overall support each other in building productive and healthy home gardens.


Milpitas Historical Society
Generally meets on the second Wednesday of each month, except in the summer, and has a Holiday party in December. Milpitas History books and other memorabilia available to buy in their online store.

Society for Creative Anachronism
The International Headquarters of this organization is in Milpitas! This is a link to finding an SCA group nearby. As of July 1, 2020, we can no longer keep expired memberships open.
P.O. Box: 360789 Milpitas, CA 95036-0789
membership@sca.org | (800) 789-7486 | (408) 263-9305

Kids & Teenagers

Activist Clubs at Milpitas High
Clubs at Milpitas High that give to the community there and at large.

Kids’ Clubs
Kids’ clubs for children and teens in Milpitas, CA. Come learn and have fun with us: 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sports teams, and more.

Teenagers in Silicon Valley & Milpitas
What’s there to do for teenagers in this town? How do Milpitas and other Silicon Valley cities treat their teenagers?

Resources for Clubs

Donation Locations
Where to drop off your holiday donations of food, toys or cash for Milpitas and area charities.

Grant Writing
Too often grant writers fall into these traps when applying for community grants.

Grant Writing Help
A list of organizations that provide technical assistance, consulting, classes and research materials in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Whether you need a meeting hall for business, a wedding, or large event, there’s a place to rent in Milpitas!

Volunteer matching services. Find the voluntary service that’s just right for you.

Technical Hobbies

Milpitas Amateur Radio Emergency Services/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services
MARES meets at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month in the community room at the Milpitas Police Department. Anyone with an interest in Amateur radio or emergency communications is welcome to attend.

Silicon Valley Scale Modelers
Contest postponed. A club dedicated to the promotion of the hobby of scale modeling.

User Groups in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley user groups for hardware platforms, internet and web, professionals and hobbyists.