Milpitas Public Library
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Milpitas Library

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Milpitas Library now offering “Library of Things”

By Eric Shapiro, November 10, 2023

The Milpitas Library is now the site of a pilot program launched by The Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) called The Library of Things.

The idea behind The Library of Things is that it offers borrowers a chance to bring home items other than books, such as kitchen equipment, health and wellness aids, and cool stuff for use by children. All SCCLD library card holders can borrow every “Thing” available in the library.

Ask Us: Account Questions, or Ask a Librarian.

The Milpitas Community Library
Where, When Open, Events, and Phone Number

160 N. Main St.

Phone number links work with cell phones.

Phone Renewal:
(800) 471-0991

TDD for Deaf:


Monday – Thursday
10:00AM – 9:00PM
Friday and Saturday
10:00AM – 7:00PM
10:00AM – 7:00PM

The daily fine for items returned late will be $0.25. There are no daily fines for children’s materials. Senior Exemption: Persons age 65 or older may request exemptions from fines. Cost of item plus non-refundable processing fee will be assessed for lost items.

The maximum fines before checkout is restricted and raised to $20.00
Items returned on time are free.

About The Milpitas Public Library

Online Events during Covid-19
Check here for events being held by the Milpitas community Library.

Checking Out

Library Card & PIN
Library card applications are available at all County libraries and the Bookmobile. Cards are free to anyone with a valid form of identification showing name and current mailing address.


  • Find what you want with a better search.
  • Track your borrowing.
  • Rate and review titles you borrow, and share your opinions on them.
  • Get personalized recommendations.

Materials returned on time and in good condition are free!
Fines: Items should always be returned promptly. All adult materials are subject to fines. If children’s items are overdue more than six weeks, a processing fee is charged for each item. Borrowing and renewing privileges are restricted if balance owed is $10 or more. Accounts may be referred to the rebilling service when balance is $50 or more. Individuals sent to Rebilling Agency may not check out until a zero balance is reached. All payments must be cash or check. Loan periods and fines.

Online Library
Enjoy FREE access to eBooks, emagazines, audiobooks, music, streaming video, online research, The New York Times digital subscription, online classes including, Rosetta Stone, and much more! When prompted, log-in with an eCard or Library Card. The app Libby is available for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from our library and reading on your mobile Apple or Google device.


Directions to the Library
Near the Calaveras Blvd. overpass, northwest side.

If heading WEST, take the Main St. offramp on the east side of the railroad overpass. Head STRAIGHT through the light, when green, into the Library parking garage.

If heading EAST, take the Carlo Street exit just before the overpass, turn LEFT on N. Main St. At the next light, turn RIGHT into the Library’s parking garage. (You could also continue on Carlo St. and just before it ends, take a left and head straight into the other entrance to the parking garage. You will most likely also use this way to get out of the library.) Map.

Transit Directions: The Community Library is easy to reach by car or by the #66 VTA bus or the #217 AC Transit bus.

Movies – YouTube

Grand Old Tyme at the Milpitas Library

Tour the Milpitas Library with Fast Addy
Fast Addy, resident monkey docent, gives an inside look to the Milpitas Library.

Milpitas Library Olympics 2014
Part of our 2014 Staff Development Day film fest, Milpitas Library performing library Olympics.

Milpitas Library – Sharing Library Stories


Get a Library Card
You may get a card in person at the library or apply online and later provide documents when you visit. You must provide your date of birth and present a valid form of identification showing your picture, name, and proof of your current address to complete your registration.

Placing Holds
Depending on your personal account preference, you will receive a message by phone, email, or mail when the requested item is available for pick up at your local community library.


Book Group
Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. Not held in the summer. For additional information please contact Terye Riley at 408-262-1171. Check out the Milpitas Library Book Club Book Shelf.

Vision Literacy
Formerly the Santa Clara County Library Reading Program, we are dedicated to improving the community in which we live by helping adults improve their literacy skills. 408-262-1349

The Reading Program
A service of the Library that teaches adults basic reading, writing, math and computer skills for free.


The Library is grateful for your donations of money, materials, and memorial gifts.
The library is not currently accepting book donations at this time. Learn more about how you can support the Library District and associated Library support groups.

Friends of the Library
Book Sale Dates for 2019! The Friends of the Library have been getting so many book donations that we will continue to have three book sales in 2019! The dates for these book sales will be: January 5th, 26th and 27th, 2019; June 7th, 8th and 9th, 2019; September 27th, 28th, and 29th, 2019.

Library & Education Advisory Commission
This Commission helps determine library activities and levels of service. Meets 7:00 pm at the Milpitas Public Library on the 3rd Monday of odd numbered months.

County Library Resources

NoveList K-8 Plus Book Recommendations
NoveList K-8 Plus is a database about books specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Use your favorite books and authors to find new adventures! If you can’t think of a book you’ve liked in the past, simply choose a topic of interest and explore lists of recommended books.

Santa Clara County Library Teen Blog
Librarian-recommended sites for homework, transportation, reading and just plain fun.

Silicon Valley Reads

Silicon Valley Reads is a community engagement program that features books and an annual theme to bring people together by providing more than 100 free, public events each year in February and March. Events for all ages include author talks, book clubs, art/music events, community activities, arts and crafts, movies, and creative events or activities based on the theme each year. 

Silicon Valley Reads is back in 2024 with a renewed commitment to foster collaboration and create awareness around the importance of sustainability. Our theme is “A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today“. To ensure a thriving world for future generations, we’re committed to fostering meaningful conversations and offering practical ideas for individuals to take action towards sustainability.

Visit our Calendar of Events page to sign up for free programs for all ages from now throughout March.