Donation Locations in Milpitas During the Holidays
During the holidays, you can donate toys and games for children and food for humans and pets at these Milpitas centers.
Family Giving Tree
Giving Tree Online
Take a card from a tree at one of these places, and purchase specific gift for specific child.
Exercise Progression
1766 Clear Lake Ave.
Kaiser Permanente – Milpitas
589 Los Coches Street
1759 McCarthy Boulevard
Silicon Valley Alliance Church
10 Dempsey Road
Tarana Wireless
590 Alder Drive
Technology Credit Union
360 Cypress Dr.
Touch A Soul
284 South Abel Street
Turner Construction
691 South Milpitas Blvd Suite 202
Humane Society
Bring dry dog and cat food and training treats to:
901 Ames Ave.
Donate cash.
Milpitas Food Pantry
Food & Toy Drive in conjunction with the Milpitas Firefighters Local Union 1699.
1440 S Main St.
Cash Donations
Make check out to: Milpitas Firefighters Toy Program
777 S. Main St.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Federal Tax ID #26-0267135
For more information, call Fire Station #1 at 408-586-2800
Where to Drop off New, Unwrapped Toys and Canned Food
Milpitas Chamber of Commerce
828 N. Hillview Dr.
Milpitas City Hall
455 E. Calaveras Bl.
Milpitas Community Center
457 E. Calaveras Bl.
Milpitas Community Library
160 N Main St.
Milpitas Fire Station #1
25 W. Curtis Ave.
Milpitas Fire Station #2
1263 Yosemite Dr.
Milpitas Fire Station #3
45 Midwick Dr.
Milpitas Fire Station #4
775 Barber Lane
Milpitas Police Department
1275 N. Milpitas Bl.
Milpitas Sports Center
1325 E. Calaveras Bl.
Milpitas Unified School District
Some schools. Check with your school.