MUSD with Contact Info

Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD)

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Milpitas School District Office
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard
Milpitas, California 95035


District Calendars
Notices of district meetings.

2023-2024 School Year
First Day of school, Thursday, August 10, 2023
Last day of school, Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Registration for 2023-2024 School Year began on January 24, 2023. Go to the Enrollment page for more details.


Milpitas High School
Find out about school information, clubs, events and other news at Milpitas High School, Milpitas, CA.

Maps to Milpitas Schools
Maps showing where the public schools are located, links to school websites, contact information, principals’ names and email addresses.

District Info

What to Wear to School
Most Milpitas elementary schools and both middle schools require uniforms. Check here for your school requirements.

District Overview
From GreatSchools. Overviews of each of our schools.

Milpitas Board of Education
Photos and contact information of the members of the Milpitas Unified School District Governing Board.

Milpitas School Board Meeting Calendar
Meetings televised on Comcast channel 15 at 7:00 p.m. during the Board meetings. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM in Robert Randall Elementary School, 1300 Edsel Dr, Milpitas and virtually via Zoom and YouTube as well. Video recordings of all meetings are posted on our Board Meeting Videos web page.

Milpitas Unified School District
This is the home page for the school district, with an overview of the community and goals for the public school district.

Milpitas Unified School District Job Openings
Please click on a job title below for detailed information about a specific posting. Online application available.

County Services

Santa Clara County Office of Education
Silicon Valley’s county-wide educational resource and administrative center.


Silicon Valley Reads
Planning is underway for Silicon Valley Reads 2024. We will be announcing our books and theme in the Fall! Sign up for our mailing list to receive the latest information.


Closing the Gap To Build Support for Education
If you could see the lineup of people, resources, and money behind the effort to persuade you that all is well, you would be astonished that any negative or critical coverage appears anywhere, at any time. From the Education Intelligence Agency. [Note: MUSD just hired a PR consultant.]


Milpitas Community Educational Endowment
MCEE became a concept in the late spring of 2009, after the latest round of budget cuts to the school district, several parents and community members were discussing what impact those cuts would have on the quality of education.

A Perfect Partnership: School & Program Needs
Schools looking for businesses and non-profits to partner with schools to provide funding or sources for the following school and program needs in Milpitas.

Family and Community Engagement

CASSY – Counseling and Support Services for Youth
At Milpitas schools, we provide the following services:

  • Individual, Group & Family Therapy
  • Crisis Intervention & Treatment
  • Suicide & Depression Awareness Campaigns
  • Staff Support & Training
  • Parent Consultation
  • Community Outreach

Resources for Immigration Support
In these uncertain times for our families who have immigrated to Milpitas, our employees continue to stand UNIFIED in our commitment to work together and show that Milpitas values every single student, regardless of background, experience, and views.

Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs)

The Trojan Parent
We sponsor staff appreciation events, chaperone student activities and ‘lend a helping hand’. The PTSA is proud to sponsor our annual scholarship program which awarded $500 scholarships to graduating seniors based on their school involvement, community service and academic improvement.

Sinnott Parent Teacher Association
We provide a link between staff and parents to support all of our students.

Special Education Parent Teacher Association of Milpitas
Milpitas Unified is a member of the Special Education Local Plan Agency (SELPA). For additional information about SELPA, please check the California Special Education Local Plan Areas website. Announcement of formation of SEPTAM.


California Consortium for Independent Study
We are a state wide organization interested in the advancement of independent study programs. Milpitas is in Region 5.

MUSD EducatEveryWhere Flexible Learning
This site is designed to provide parents/guardians resources & support to implement EducatEveryWhere Flexible Learning.

State Educational Organizations & Info

California High School Exit Exam
The California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE), formerly a graduation requirement for students in California public schools, was suspended effective January 1, 2016.

California PTA
Explore and utilize this Web site to learn about convention, health, parenting, community concerns and educational issues.

California Sixth District PTA
Santa Clara County’s PTA organization which provides leadership and advice, assists in unit or council organization and training, provides resources for Parent Education workshops, offers recommendations regarding legislative and advocacy issues and communicates critical information from the National and California State PTAs.

California’s Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment
Figure out what your child should be learning. Many files in Adobe Acrobat.

California Teachers Association
Here, you can learn about the organization that represents and serves more than 330,000 members – consisting of teachers and other education employees in the state’s more than 1,000 districts.

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