Preschools and Daycare in Milpitas
Please note that the preschools and daycare providers listed with GoMilpitas.com are listings only and are not recommendations. The information provided by GoMilpitas.com is believed to have come from reliable sources, including the facilities themselves or those open to the public domain. However, the preschools shown are listings only. In no way does GoMilpitas.com, any site partners, or any sponsors endorse, license, nor otherwise recommend daycare lists found on the GoMilpitas.com Web Site. GoMilpitas.com exists as a first step for parents, and is not intended as a recommendation of any kind. We encourage you to contact the preschools and daycare centers themselves for the most accurate information. We also encourage you to contact local Day Care Licensing Agencies to check records of Child Care Providers that you are considering.
For summer time childcare for older children, check Milpitas Summer Programs and Camps.
Building Kidz of Milpitas at Main Street
Where performing arts and learning take center stage. 2 to 4 and up. Summer camp for kids up through age 6 available.
195 North Main Street
Milpitas, California 95035
CA License: 435700750
Calaveras Montessori School of Silicon Valley
A traditional Montessori preschool that serves Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten age children.
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard.
Cisco Family Connection
We welcome Cisco Employees and Cisco Contingent workers and their families. Here in Milpitas our early education programs offer flexible full-time, part-time, and back-up schedules for children ages 6 weeks through private kindergarten and school age camp programs.
800 Barber Ln
Crescent Montessori of Silicon Valley
Ages 3 to 6.
1651 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Day Star Montessori School
Montessori educational program. Ages 2 1/2 Yrs – 6 Yrs. 215 Dempsey Rd., 408-263-1618.
DiscoverLand Daycare and Pre-School
Sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventists, this center for 2 to 5 year olds has been in business since 1974.
1991 Landess Ave.
Elan Esprit Preschool
A few of our specialties are loving children, teaching a child to read and weekly field trips. Web Cams: View your child throughout the day.
40 E Carlo St.
Foothill SDA Elementary School
Ages 2 Yrs – 5 Yrs. Christian.
1991 Landess Ave
Genius Kids
Ages: 2 years to 12 years, Licensed Day Care, Preschool, Pre K, Transitional and Enrichment Kindergarten and After School
487 & 495 Jacklin Road, Milpitas, CA 95035. Facebook page.
487 Jacklin Road
Global Village Montessori Preschool
high quality Montessori education for children aged 2 – 6 years. We have a balanced curriculum, inspired teachers and an inviting physical space leading to happy children. We offer Toddler, Preschool and Kindergarten options using the American Montessori Society (AMS) Montessori method.
1146 Jacklin Rd.
408-956-8711 and
1247 S Park Victoria Dr.
Golden Harvest Montessori School
We offer variety of programs: preschool, kindergarten and after school.
1905 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Gulu Gulu Preschool & Afterschool
3 months -2 Years Nursery Program, 2-3 Years Old Toddler Class, 3-5 Years Old Preschool Enrichment Class (Potty trained required), and Afterschool Enrichment Program.
1845 Armand Drive (Preschool/Afterschool)
27 E. Carlo St. (Learning Center)
Hands On Learning Center
Christian daycare serving Milpitas, Fremont & San Jose California Since 1984. Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 2-5), Before & After School Care (Ages 5-6). Academic. 637 S Main St., 408-946-5623.
ICC Preschool
Ages 3-5 Yrs. A culturally stimulating space that facilitates social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
525 Los Coches Street.
408-934-1130 x226
Jacklin Commons KinderCare
Ages 6 Wks – 12 Yrs. Each day is packed with carefully designed activities structured around the six main development areas.
860 N Hillview Dr.
Little Flowers Montessori
Our Milpitas campus offers full-day and half-day programs for toddlers (18 months) up to 6 year olds. This campus is near I-880 and CA-237 intersection.
200 Serra Way #50
Main Street Montessori School of Silicon Valley
Ages 3 to 6. There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness.
630 S. Main St.
Merryhill Preschool
Ages 2-Pre-K. A Nobel Learning Community.
123 Corning Ave
Milpitas Christian Preschool
Christian Daycare and Pre-school.
1000 S. Park Victoria Dr.
408-945-6530 ext. 21100
Milpitas Discoveryland Preschool
Our “Hands On” program involves children in developmentally appropriate activities throughout the day. Our playground with it’s park like atmosphere, allow young developing bodies to use their large muscles as they explore nature in a beautiful setting.
1991 Landess Avenue
Milpitas KinderCare
Ages 2 Wks – 12 Yrs. Preschool through School-age programs. Christian.
400 S Abel St.
Milpitas / Rose Head Start
Ages 3 Yrs – 5 Yrs. Rose CDC is also home to our local HeadStart program. Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development. The Milpitas HeadStart site is managed by HeadStart of Santa Clara and San Benito counties. Head Start Program on School Grounds.
250 Roswell Dr.
Monarch Christian Schools
Ages 3 (potty trained) up to 6. We offer half-day and full day programs year-round.
1715 Calaveras Blvd.
Rainbow Childhood Development Center
All programs now online. A subsidized child care program. Check out their virtual program for preschoolers.
227 S. Main Street
Ready Preschool
Ages 2 up to 6. Great bilingual preschools and my kids really learn a lot from that school. Highly recommend to people who wants to kids to know Chinese and English.
430 S Abel St.
Stratford Preschool
By balancing traditional instruction in reading, writing, and math with art and music, the Stratford preschool curriculum teaches 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, problem solving, and analysis.
341 Great Mall Pkwy
Center Lists for Silicon Valley
Back-Up Care Advantage Program
Listing service for babysitters, daycare and preschool providers. From Bright Horizons Family Solutions.
Milpitas Babysitters – Care.com
Local babysitters can list their services here, and parents can use to find babysitters by various categories.
Play Groups
Milpitas Moms and Kids
We attend Milpitas events and create our own. We also have playdates in surrounding cities.
Smart Mom’s Baby-sitting Co-op Startup Kit
This book is for a mother of preschoolers who wants time out to better care for herself, her family, and her friends. Do the start up in one hour with three friends. Then slowly have others join. When you get ten-moms you will always be able to count on a sitter. With ten moms you are also free to be a sitter when the time works with your schedule.
Milpitas Alliance for Better Child Care
A local group of family child care providers dedicated in support of one another and of the children and families in their care. Meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at the Milpitas Community Center or at a member’s home.
Contact Toby Librande at 408-586-3203.
Children’s Place Preschool
201 Spence Ave.
Providing a comfortable and stimulating environment, we encourage toddlers to explore and provide infants with the nurturing they need. License: 434414732.
Janice’s Daycare Home
1216 Daniel Court
Milpitas location, home cooked meals, License # 430758457
Kiran Childcare
Licensed home day care facility by the mom of Challenger School kids. Indian Provider: We speak Hindi, Punjabi and English.
255 Balboa Dr.
408-256-9100 or 408-497-4100.
Little Hands Preschool & Daycare
I am Roshan, an artist, a fun mom of two adorable sons and wife of supportive and hard working husband. I love to spend my time with kids and run a pre-school day care. English and Hindi spoken. Red Cross First Aid trained. License #435700337.
520 Heath Street
Marina’s Licensed Day Care
Ages 6 Wks – 4 Yrs. Home-based infant and child care.
1647 Everglades Dr.
Mellissa’s Day Care
Ages 6 Mos – 12 Yrs. Home-based infant and child care.
2265 Yosemite Dr.
Sherry’s Busy-Bee Child Care
Ages 0-12. Home-based. Full time and part-time. Preschool program. Red Cross Certified.
226 Greentree Way
Rajipo Daycare
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, English. Ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Licensed. 8AM – 6PM. rajipodaycare@gmail.com.
800 Russell Lane. Milpitas, CA.
Tender Heart ChildKare & Pre-School
Ages 6-weeks thru after school care. Licensed daycare. Homecooked organic meals. We speak English, Hindi, Gujarati, Konkani, Sindhi, Telugu and Marathi languages.
195 King Court – near India Community Center
Information for Daycare Providers
The California Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Coordinates services that assist local child care resource and referral (R&R) agencies in providing child care information and services to parents, child care providers, policy makers, and business and community leaders in every county in the State.
California’s Rules for Child Care Facilities
California has five different documents regulating health and safety in child care facilities.
A tool for finding and exchanging information about Health & Human Services and selected other Federal grant programs. It is part of the much-publicized national movement toward providing government resources to the general public in a more accessible and meaningful manner.
Licensing Information
In California, childcare providers are licensed through the Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing Division. Providers caring for children from more than one family are required to be licensed.
National Child Care Association
NOW more than ever providers, early childhood educators, parents, businesses, etc. MUST be vocal about the situation that licensed child care is facing. Without your participation there are not enough voices to change where we are headed. Please use the letter provided below to contact those in control of your future.