Stratford School

Private and Parochial Schools in or Near Milpitas

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Milpitas has a good number of alternatives to public schools within the city limits or quite close by, including a homeschool group. Check out these private schools here in Milpitas and nearby.

In Milpitas or Very Close By

Merryhill School
We teach the core academics of reading, writing and math along with Spanish, technology, wellness and physical education. Owned and operated by Spring Education Group, a Chinese investment group.
1500 Yosemite Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035

Milpitas/Berryessa Community Chinese School
To enrich the quality of life with Chinese heritage for our children. Classes held in several north San Jose locations.
P.O. Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95132
Voice Mail: 408-764-9648

North Valley Chinese School
NVCS provides an environment for youth in Milpitas and the surrounding areas to develop their Chinese language skills and experience the variety of the Chinese culture. Facebook Page.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 361856. Regular Classes are on every Saturday from 9am-11:30am, then Culture classes are from 11:40am -12:25pm. Location of all Classes:
Milpitas Christian School(MCS) Main Campus
3435 Birchwood Lane
San Jose, CA 95132

Opportunity Youth Academy Sobrato
Charter school that offers high school students a blended learning program of teacher-directed instruction and online credit accrual and recovery options.
512 Valley Way

Stratford School

Stratford School
The private Stratford School, which has campuses around the Bay Area serving preschool, elementary and middle school students, has submitted an application to operate a 55,600-square-foot school within the former Heald College site. Teachers wanted. Owned and operated by Spring Education Group, a Chinese investment group.
341 Great Mall Parkway
25 Corning Ave


In California, families homeschool by forming a small, private school. See for more information.

Milpitas Homeschool Support
We’re a relaxed group, with no bylaws or dues: everything is free or pay as you go. We support all local homeschool families no matter how they choose to homeschool or why. Most families come from Milpitas, or close by in Berryessa (San Jose) or Warm Springs (Fremont) neighborhoods.

California Homeschooling
This is part of the A to Z Home’s Cool Homeschooling website, which I once owned. You can find out about state-wide associations, laws pertaining to homeschooling, events, and resources such as field trips. Resources here to help any family working academically with their children at home.

Non-Denominational Schools Nearby

Canyon Heights Academy
The rich content of our liberal arts-based curriculum allows our students to discover the world around them, think critically about it, and meet the challenges of life.
775 Waldo Road, Campbell, CA 95008

Carden Academy of Almaden
Carden Academy of Almaden is a co-educational, non-sectarian, independent private elementary and middle school. Our spacious and newly remodeled campus is near Meridian Ave and Highway 85 in San Jose.
5200 Dent Avenue, San Jose, CA 95118

Castilleja School
Castilleja is the only non-sectarian all-girls middle and high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. A college-preparatory school, we enroll 415 girls in grades six through twelve.
1310 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Challenger Schools
Challenger helps children become adults who are led by neither peer pressures nor common sentiment, but by the strength of their own thinking.
Several Locations Nearby. Put 95035 in search field.

French-American School of Silicon Valley
An academically excellent, integrated, French-American bilingual and bicultural education, infused with the principles of self-expression and differentiated pedagogy.
1522 Lewiston Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Harker School
We enroll 400 students and provide an exceptional education in science, math, history, literature, Jewish studies, Hebrew language, music, fine arts, sports, and technology.
Several Locations and Contact Numbers, San Jose, CA.

Hillbrook School
Hillbrook joins with parents in creating an environment which considers the development of empathy, compassion and caring for others as equal in importance to academic excellence and intellectual inquiry.
300 Marchmont Dr., Los Gatos, CA 95032

Menlo School
An independent, coeducational college preparatory day school for students in grades 6-12.
50 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA 94027

Beginning in preschool, students learn through a hands-on, multi-sensory approach, learning to work, play and share with others while developing self-esteem through many meaningful experiences.
105 John Wilson Way, Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Silicon Valley International School
Students here learn more than just an additional language, they learn how to become agile, responsive, global thinkers. Our three bilingual programs (Chinese, French, or German) are strengthened through the IB (International Baccalaureate) framework that codifies our structured inquiry pedagogy.
151 Laura Lane, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Parochial Schools

Catholic Parochial Schools
In Milpitas there is just one Catholic school, so often Catholic parents will enroll there children near one where they work.

Both protestant christian schools are located at the south end of Milpitas. One just within the Milpitas border, and one a few blocks into San Jose.


Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
We enroll 400 students and provide an exceptional education in science, math, history, literature, Jewish studies, Hebrew language, music, fine arts, sports, and technology.
450 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Directories of Area Private Schools

The Bay Area Private School Guide
Explore private K-12 education in the San Francisco Bay Area. Choose a school for your child, research scholarships or special education programs, or look to find a teaching job.

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