Foreclosure Information & How to Avoid
If you’re having trouble paying your mortgage, learn about the steps you can take to avoid foreclosure or minimize your debt after it happens.

Financial Stability.gov Learn About the Making Home Affordable Refinance and Modification Options. The President’s plan was created to help millions of homeowners refinance or modify their mortgages. Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams – Help Is Free!
Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available to provide you with the information and assistance you need to avoid foreclosure.
Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure Whether you’re in foreclosure now or worried about it in the future, HUD has information that can help.
Homeownership Preservation Foundation 888-995-HOPE hotline. We are an independent nonprofit that provides HUD-approved counselors dedicated to helping homeowners. The help we offer is free.
How to Stop Foreclosure If you’re having trouble paying your mortgage, learn about the steps you can take to avoid foreclosure or minimize your debt after it happens. Nolo Press.
HUD Newsroom New plans all the time to help those struggling with mortgage payments and home upkeep.
Walk Away from Your Mortgage Calculator Is it in my economic interest to walk away? What will happen if I walk away? Can my loan be modified?