Homeless in Milpitas: Concerns and Solutions
Milpitas needs to be more aware of the plight of the homeless in our small city, living in forested freeway exits and under bridges next to our streams.
- Concerns
- Action Groups
- Resources
- Housing and Shelters
- Hillview Court
- Other Shelters
- News & Legal Action
- Food
- Health
Concerns Regarding the Homeless
Here is what we chose between:
Letting our homeless population living like this:
Or housing them by cooperating with the county at the Extended Stay on Hillview Court.
Action Groups Addressing Homelessness
Homelessness Task Force
On January 5, 2021, the City Council, upon the request of Mayor Tran, approved the establishment of a Homelessness Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force is to expand resident participation in addressing homelessness issues within the City. Staff will support the Task Force with meeting facilitation and the meetings will be open to the public. The Task Force will present its recommendations to the City Council on a quarterly basis. Meeting Frequency: Second Thursdays of each month. No meeting in July.
- Housing Task Force
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously created a Task Force charged with focusing on solutions to the immediate housing needs of the more than 7,000 homeless families and individuals across Santa Clara County on February 24, 2015.
Hope for the Unhoused
Founded in 2020, Hope for the Unhoused, a Milpitas based 501(c)(3) charitable organization, has been working hard with the help of our volunteers and partners to help the unhoused and families in need in Milpitas. Our work is dedicated to:
• Providing Outreach to the Unhoused
• Providing “Street Level Client Management”
• Educating community on the challenge of homelessness
• Preventing homelessness through food and education programs.
The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
A decent, safe, affordable home for every Northern California resident is the ultimate goal of NPH.
369 Pine Street, Suite 350,
San Francisco, CA 94104
Roadmap Home 2030
The Roadmap Home includes more than 50 policies that, when fully implemented, will address the root causes of housing insecurity and homelessness across our state. Tell your state senators and assembly members to endorse the Roadmap Home 2030.
Resources for Homeless Individuals
Sleeping Bags for the Homeless of Silicon Valley
Sleeping bags of the Homeless is in need of Dog and Cat food, water, protein bars, hygiene supplies, tarps/tents, Shoes in good condition, as well as cellphones in working condition. (In order to communicate with the homeless to provide them with details needed for distributing supplies and locating them.)
Housing and Shelters
Hillview Court – Shelter in former long stay hotel
The unhoused find shelter at Hillview Court Apartments in Milpitas
By Rhoda Shapiro March 2, 2021
Hillview Court is unique in that it’s an affordable community, made possible by funding from the CARES Act. Last year, $846 million in funding was put toward California’s Project Homekey in an effort to help people without homes get off the street. Across California, nearly 100 buildings were purchased and converted into apartments to provide long-term housing for those experiencing homelessness.x
Hillview Court – Jamboree Housing
Existing hotel in Milpitas has been rehabilitated into 132 permanent apartments.
The County of Santa Clara has secured $29.2 million in state funding to convert a hotel in Milpitas into permanent apartments for people experiencing homelessness. The site, which was an Extended Stay America, is now the first development in Milpitas fully dedicated for permanent supportive housing. The building, located at 1000 Hillview Court in Milpitas, has been renamed “Hillview Court” and is providing 132 apartments for formerly homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless – some of whom lost homes as a result of the pandemic.
Other Shelters Near Milpitas
Homeless Shelters Directory for Milpitas
Welcome to our Milpitas, California Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. Below are all of the shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Milpitas, CA and surrounding cities. We also provide other resources for the unhoused such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.
Habitat for Humanity, East Bay/Silicon Valley
We miss our volunteers and cannot wait to have you back! Take a look here for individual volunteer opportunities, and for group volunteering or any additional questions, please get in touch with our Volunteer Team at Volunteer@HabitatEBSV.org. As a HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agency, our Housing Counseling program works to build financial stability and pave a path to housing that offers families strength, stability, and self-reliance.
513 Valley Way
A leading provider of services, shelter, and housing opportunities to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Santa Clara County. We serve more than 5,000 adults, veterans, families, and youth each year at nine locations including our Boccardo Reception Center, which is the county’s largest housing services center.
Milpitas, CA Low Income Housing
We have listed the low income / affordable apartments in Milpitas, CA. Properties include HUD low income housing, public housing offered by housing authorities along with non profit organizations that help with low income housing needs.
Santa Clara County low income transitional housing and shelter
Families facing eviction or the currently unhoused can look into a number of housing resources in the greater San Jose and Santa Clara County region. Several non-profits, charities, and government programs provide short term shelter, transitional housing, and case management to impacted individuals.
News & Legal Action Regarding Homelessness in Milpitas
Use of Rights of Way and Public Property Ordinance (aka Camping Ban) – We can do better!
By Rob Jung – Board President of Hope for the Unhoused – September 14, 2022
Many of the unhoused are trying to get off the streets. They don’t want to be there, but their circumstances limit what they can do. Imposing fines and jail time because they have no place to go adds to the hurdles for them to get back into society. This “kick them when they are down” approach actually worsens the situation for our unhoused, which is counterproductive to the community goal of getting them off our streets.
We are celebrating 40 years of service in 2020 and are proud to be the service provider for the City of San Jose’s recently opened Bridge Housing Communities (BHC). Each BHC provides interim housing opportunities to unhoused single adults in a safe, private, and secure environment. HomeFirst delivers on-site supportive services to BHC participants and 24/7 staffing.
Contact the Outreach Helpline at 408-510-7600 or email outreach@homefirstscc.org for information.
507 Valley Way
Milpitas, CA 95035
Homeless Hotline: 408-510-7600
To Donate Needed Items: 408-539-2100
San Jose Opens Tiny-House Community to Shelter the Homeless
Some are calling it a turning point in the unhoused crisis in Santa Clara County: San Jose opened up its first new tiny home community. Len Ramirez reports, (2-27-20)
Homelessness in & around Milpitas: Part 1, Part II, and Part III
We examined how homelessness has grown throughout the country and the region, and highlighted some steps that Santa Clara County and the City of Milpitas have taken to address this issue. By David Newman, Milpitas Beat, May 2021.
Milpitas Beat Stories Regarding Homelessness in Milpitas
Keep up on the news about homelessness reported by the Milpitas Beat.
San Jose homeless residents on Microsoft land worry about sweep
About 40 unhoused people are tucked away on a small parcel of land adjacent to busy Highway 237. The encampment sits around the same location where Microsoft plans to construct two data centers in San Jose near the Milpitas border.
Silicon Valley Stong
On April 21, 2020, the City Council approved construction of the first emergency interim housing community on a parcel at the intersection of Monterey Road and Bernal Road. The City Council also directed staff to develop plans for emergency interim housing on Evans Lane near Almaden Expressway, and on Rue Ferrari near Highway 101. by Brandon Pho, San Jose Spotlight, March 4, 2024.
Food for those in Need
Free and Low Cost Meals
There are a number of places in Milpitas that offer free and low cost meals for those having difficulty meeting their nutrition needs.
Milpitas Food Pantry
1440 S. Main Street
Provides free food, clothing, and household items.
Milpitas, CA 95035
We are closer to Montague Expressway in the same plaza as M & B Plumbing, Silicon Valley Lockmasters, The Cat’s Nest, and Abbott Auto Service.
Health Services for the Homeless
Gardner Health Services
Our medical team provides a variety of preventive and primary healthcare services to homeless individuals including substance use treatment and counseling, case management, and urgent care referrals. The program also offers eligibility and registration services through homeless shelter locations in the Santa Clara County. Our services are provided by two medical mobile units, at John XXIII Service Center, and at two intermittent clinics in partnership with City Team and the Bill Wilson Center.
For help call 408-935-3908
Valley Homeless Healthcare Program (VHHP)
Provides healthcare services to people experiencing homelessness in Santa Clara County. We provide care to over 7,000 people every year. Our services are set up to meet the needs of the community.
Valley Health Center at Alexian, 2101 Alexian Dr. Suite D, San Jose, CA 95116
Valley Health Center at Homefirst Shelter, 2011 Little Orchard St., San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: 408-885-5000 · TTY: 408-971-4068
See also ~ Affordable Housing