Pie Throwing Trend in Milpitas
Computing Jokes & Milpitas Jokes
I think we have the makings of a new trend here since Bill Gates was “pied.” Anytime a computer exec says something stupid – POW – they get a pie in the face. I can just see it now:
“… java virtual machine …” – WHAM – call the dry cleaners.
“… the new upgrade is, of course, a whole new paradigm and thus incompatable with the original software …” – SMACK – they won’t do that again.
“… you can surf the news faster, without changing either your connection or your modem …” – POW – 2 cream pies, one in each ear.
“… and it combines the functionality of an intranet and an extranet, giving you a whole new internet …” – BLAMMO – one in the hair and a nice lemon merengue rubbed under the shirt.
Why limit to computer executives? Where do I sign up ?