Siren Sounds-Police Blotter Humor
These are really true! From the Milpitas Post’s Police Blotter.
April 9, 1998
No Second Chances For Alleged Shoe Thief
After allegedly stealing a pair of shoes from Mervyn’s Department Store, a suspected thief wore them when he made a return visit to the store March 30 at 8:30 p.m.
According to officers, the suspect was not happy with the stolen shoes and exchanged them for a more comfortable pair. Security then stopped the man as he tried to walk out of the store without paying for the shoes.
Police arrested Mark Allen Cameron, 36, of Milpitas on suspicion of theft.
[I guess the suspect heard that Mervyn’s allegedly was really nice about making exchanges with no questions asked!]
Man Arrested for Distributing Nude Photo
A woman called police after she found a nude photograph of herself on her car. According to police reports, the woman said that her estranged husband had placed it there and was threatening to distribute the photos.
Police contacted the woman’s ex-husband and discovered he possessed the nude photos.
Officers arrested the 30-year-old man on March 30 at 11 p.m. on the 200 block of Fanyon Drive on suspicion of distributing obscene material. The suspect’s name has been withheld to protect the identity of the victim.
[I never much like the photographs my husband takes of me either.]
The Milpitas Post no longer includes the Police Blotter.