The HTML Song
Sung to the tune of “YMCA”
Programs, that’s what we like to write,
I said programs, we stay up half the night
Writing programs, ’cause if you want a site
On the World-Wide Web you need a
Home page. Put the coolest stuff in
To your home page. Folks will say, “Hey, I’ve been
To your home page!” But before you begin
You must learn a whole new language.
You’ve got to code sites in H T M L.
You’ve got to code blogs in H T M L.
It’s a great little set of the neatest tools yet
For exploiting the Internet.
It’s fun to code WordPress in H T M L.
It’s fun to code using H T M L.
You can now interface with the whole human race
From your own niche in cyberspace.
Hot links from one site to the next,
You add hot links when you use hypertext.
So with hot links, stay cool, don’t get perplexed.
Then to surf the web you must have
Safari. That’s the browser to use.
I said Safari, it’s all over the news.
So with Safari, you’ll be sure you can’t lose.
But it all goes back to one thing…
You’ve got to code it in H T M L.
You’ve got to code it in H T M L.
It’s a great little set of the neatest tools yet
For exploiting the Internet.
It’s fun to code using H T M L.
It’s fun to code using H T M L.
You can now interface with the whole human race
From your own niche in cyberspace.
Letters, use them all, A through Z.
Take those letters, like TCP/IP,
Add more letters: CGI, FTP.
And a U R L is like an
Address. You type, “HTTP
Colon slash slash”, then add “W 3
Dot, et cet’ra”, and eventually
You’ll find you’re a real web master!
Because you coded in H T M L.
Because you coded in H T M L.
It’s a great little set of the neatest tools yet
For exploiting the Internet.
It’s fun to code using H T M L.
It’s fun to code using H T M L.
You can now interface with the whole human race
From your own niche in cyberspace.
H T M L … H T M L …
–Author unknown.