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Great Mall was looted May 31, 2020

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Great Mall was looted last night. from r/SanJose

Last Call Neiman Marcus Outlet Store Looted Saturday night, May 31, 2020
This evening at about 7:30 PM, Milpitas Police Department Officers responded to a burglary alarm at Nieman Marcus, located at the Great Mall. Officers arrived quickly and encountered a large group of people running from the store. It was estimated that there were approximately 100 people and 50 cars involved in this coordinated burglary of Neiman Marcus. As additional officers arrived at the location, numerous vehicles sped away. The quick response of our Officers likely prevented additional businesses from being victimized. More information.

I spoke with Police Chief Corpus. The looting was unrelated to any of the demonstrations. This gang organized in social media, and came in a caravan to Milpitas. One car was seized, full of Neiman Marcus products, and it was from outside our county. The department is prepping for any repeat of such an attack.