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Milpitas High School Robotics Team wins State Championship

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In early March, four Milpitas High School (MHS) students from the Milpitas Xtreme Robotics Team 1669X went out to Redding, California, to compete in the 2022 Northern California VRC High School State Championship in Redding.

What transpired there exceeded their wildest expectations. They won the State championship across three categories: Excellence Award, Tournament Champion, and Robot Skills Champion.

“This achievement is a culmination of the past 4 years we’ve spent in robotics,” said Eugene Ng, a senior who is part of the team. “I’m happy. And I feel accomplished to have been able to achieve this.”

Eugene, along with seniors Chenghao Li, Kathan Sheth, and Eusern Ng, prepared extensively to secure this accomplishment.

“We took our experiences from past competitions, and practiced as much as we could,” said Kathan, who discovered his love for programming in the seventh grade.

By Rhoda Shapiro, Milpitas Beat, March 24, 2022

Read more in the Milpitas Beat