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Mil’s Diner going strong under new ownership

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ByEric Shapiro, The Milpitas Beat, March 3, 2023

Mil’s Diner is a legendary yet humble Milpitas mainstay, a cozy mini-mall-based nook offering a warm atmosphere, a friendly staff, and heaping portions of mouth-watering food. Located at 36 South Abbott Avenue, the restaurant recently came under new ownership, and in the course of doing so it had the good fortune of seeing very little change…

The new owner, Teri Lane, just took over at the start of January 2023. Before then, she was a Mil’s server for 18 years. But she wasn’t even their longest-running server; she points to a current waitress, Jeanine, who’s been there since before the previous owners were.

“Everybody’s long-term here,” Teri shared in an interview with The Beat. “All of the cooks have been here longer than me.”

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