Greg Wohlman
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New Milpitas High School principal Greg Wohlman brings experience & grit

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By Rhoda Shapiro, July 31, 2023, Milpitas Beat

When Greg Wohlman was 18 years old, he left his hometown of Fargo, North Dakota – and never looked back.

“I had a driver’s license, a can of Mountain Dew, a Snickers bar, and a high school diploma,” said Wohlman in an interview with The Beat. “And I drove as fast as I could.”

He drove out to Texas, where he attended East Texas State University, studying advertising and art, with a focus on copywriting. However, several years later, after graduating from school, he had the realization that the advertising industry just wasn’t for him, that there was a deeper calling…

That deeper calling was education.

And so, in 1998, he answered that calling and began teaching. Twenty-five years later, on July 1 of this year, he officially stepped into the role of Principal at Milpitas High School (MHS). As someone who resonates with the “culture of we” mentality that the Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) works to instill across its schools, Wohlman feels he’s found something truly special.

“When we look at the ‘culture of we’ in Milpitas, we’re more than just a high school,” said Wohlman. “We need to look at the kindergarten or pre-k student walking into our system. We need to harness their student voice along their journey, so that we’re constantly shaping what we do at the high school to honor our clientele. I think it’s a new way of thinking about education. Our Superintendent and School Board totally understand that.”

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