Graffiti Terminators

Volunteers Needed
Individuals 16 or older
Teams of an Adult and Youth under 16
Call Chris Challer for information: 408-586-3078
Volunteers called “The Terminators” are available to cover graffiti on private property FREE of charge as long as it is accessible and no more than 6 feet off the ground. Volunteers use neutral colors that may not match existing paint, however, if you already have matching paint, you may supply it for the use of the volunteers on your property. To request volunteer services and obtain a waiver, please call (408) 586-3078. The City also welcomes new volunteers.
Tired of Graffiti in Your Neighborhood? The City of Milpitas needs your HELP! Become a Volunteer Graffiti Terminator today! All paint and equipment will be supplied. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Please call Milpitas Volunteer Services at 408-586-2787