Candidates in the Milpitas General Election 2024
November 5, 2024 – Municipal Election Date in California
Post under development.
Candidates still working on campaign sites and social media. This page is a work in progress. If you have additional information or images you’d like to see on this page, contact me here.
Who is running for Milpitas City Council?
November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election
The following candidates have either filed a Form 501 Candidate Intention Statement with the City of Milpitas Office of the City Clerk or have been issued nomination papers.
Elections & Voter Information
The City of Milpitas is a General Law City with a Council-City Manager form of government. The City Council is made up of four (4) councilmembers and one (1) Mayor all elected at-large. Two (2) Councilmember seats and one (1) Mayoral seat are to be voted on every two years each November in even numbered years. Councilmembers are elected for a four (4)-year term and the Mayor is elected to a two (2)-year term.
The next regularly scheduled municipal election is in Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Two (2) Councilmember seats with terms expiring in November 2028, and one (1) Mayoral seat with a term expiring 2026, will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot.
Form 410 is the Statement of Organization Recipient Committee. It has contact information.
Form 460 is the Recipient Committee Campaign Statement, which reports large contributions to the candidate. Also shows where campaign money was spent.
City of Milpitas Public Portal for Campaign Finance Disclosure
Candidate Statements of Qualifications
Candidates for Mayor of Milpitas.
Vote for 1. 2-year Term until 2026.
Candidates are listed alphabetically by last name.
Hon Thi Lien
Party: Republican
Day Job: Sunnyvale Seafood Corp CEO
Civic Role(s): Councilmember
Social Media: Facebook Instagram
Hon Lien is running for Mayor of Milpitas
Contact Information
499 S. Park Victoria Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
Email: honformilpitas2024@gmail.com
Phone: 408-202-6080
Carmen Montano (Incumbent)
Party: Democrat
Career: Teacher
Campaign Site ?
As your Vice Mayor, I am putting forth initiatives to make our city the best place to live and raise a family.
Social Media
Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Facebook Mayor Site (Last post June 2023)
Contact Information
369 Summerfield Dr.
Milpitas CA 95035
Voltaire S. Montemayor
Career: Retired Geologist
No campaign site. No social media.
Q&A with Milpitas Mayoral candidate Voltaire Soriben Montemayor.
Contact Information
669 Penitencia St.
Anthony Phan
Party: Democrat
Career: Invictus Strategy as President of Public Affairs & Land Development. Invictus Strategies exists to help conservatives retake the philanthropic lead.
Civid Roles: Elected to the Milpitas City Council in 2016, Anthony Phan has led the City to become one of fastest growing economies in the Bay Area.
Priorities: Housing affordability, Smarter Transportation, Climate Change, Healthcare, 21st Century Education, Wildfire Prevention.
Social Media
Facebook, LinkedIn Instagram Flickr
Contact Information
Candidates for City Council of Milpitas.
Vote for 2.
Candidates are listed alphabetically by last name.
Dipak Awasthi
Career: Small business owner. Business names: Iit Gate International, Inc and Girl With Curves, LLC
Civic Roles: presently on Planning Commission
Age 66. He was born on Jan 7, 1958.
“I will focus on making smart, analytical, independent decisions based on data and facts.”
Social Media
Contact Information
Text or call: 408-712-3283
Residence: 387 Summerfield Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035-6278
Evelyn Chua
Real Estate Agent
City Service: Current Vice Mayor, Planning Commission, Emergency Preparedness and Community Advisory Commissions, Citizens Task Force on Water Rates
Evelyn Chua is running for re-election to the Milpitas City Council
Social Media
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
Contact Information
929 Coventry Way
Milpitas, CA 95035
Email: chua4citycouncil2024@gmail.com
Phone Number: (669) 252-3195
Bill Chuan
City Service: Planning Commission, Santa Clara Valley Water Independent Monitoring Committee, Milpitas Zone Advisory Committee, Burnett Elementary School Site Council
Employment: Solidigm, Field Applications Engineer
Bill Chuan is running for Milpitas City Council
Contact Information
Phone: 408-209-6188
Email: billformilpitas@gmail.com
Social Media
Facebook LinkedIn
Juliette Isabel Gomez
Juniper Networks, 13 yrs 2 mos13 yrs 2 mos, Executive Coordinator for Multiple Executives
Author: Can I Push You?
Says she’s a Milpitas Chamber of Commerce board member, but not on their webpage.
Says she’s on the Economic Development and Trade Commission, but not listed.
I will pledge to focus on & support the Milpitas community, our children, & business owners. Safety will be a priority. I am up for the challenge. I would appreciate your vote of confidence & the privilege of representing you in the City Council.
Social Media
Contact Information
Residence: 1320 Chewpon Ave.
Milpitas, CA 95035
No contact information on her flyer.
William Lam
Retired Engineering Executive
Primary Concerns for Milpitas
Growth and change; public safety, quality of life, responsible budgeting
Social Media
William Lam is running for Milpitas City Council
Contact Information
1221 Park View Dr.
Milpitas, CA
Anu Nakka
I have dedicated myself to public service and community engagement, starting with being in PTA/PTSAs, Rotary, Girl Scouts, Chamber of Commerce, language school among others. I am proud to be the first Indian American, first-generation women of color, elected to the public office in Milpitas. I am currently serving as an elected trustee at Milpitas Unified School District.
Anu Nakka is running for Milpitas City Council
Social Media
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
Not started to Edit School Board yet.
Candidates for Milpitas USD Board of Education
Vote for 3.
Rob Jung
Founder of the Milpitas Community Educational Endowment
He is the epitome of someone who “walks the walk,” and seems to thrive on collaborating with others to get things done.
Doug Sueoka
Inventory Auditor at Costco Wholesale
Currently, Sueoka serves on both MUSD’s Parcel Tax Oversight Committee and the Community Board Advisory Council (CBAC). He is also President of the Milpitas Inclusive Parent Teachers Association.
“I have a child with special needs,” said Sueoka. “That’s the reason I’m involved with the inclusion PTA. The focus is on students with disabilities and making them feel included at events and things.”
Doug Sueoka is running for a seat on MUSD’s Board of Education
Social Media
Candidates for Assembly District 24
Vote for 1.
Bob Brunton
40 year local business owner, 12 years elected education trustee, civic involvement
text me at 510-657-8645
Alex Lee
I am committed to bringing affordable housing, investments in education, expanded transit, universal health care and climate adaptations to the Bay Area. I pledge to continue to work tirelessly to pass critically needed measures to end gun violence. More stances on issues.
Facebook, Twitter
Contact us at alex@votealexlee.com
Ballot Measure(s)
Measure J
On August 5th, the Milpitas City Council unanimously placed Measure J – the City of Milpitas Public Services Reauthorization Measure – on the November 2024 ballot. If reauthorized, Measure J does not raise tax rates and continues the existing voter-approved 1/4-cent sales for 8 years, to maintain Milpitas’ local services and quality of life.
By law, Measure J funding is locally controlled, cannot be taken by Sacramento, and is required to be spent to benefit Milpitas residents.
Vote Yes or No.
City of Milpitas Public Services Reauthorization Measure.
To maintain fiscal stability and essential City services, including 911 emergency response, police and fire protection; repairing streets/fixing potholes; tracking/investigating crime; addressing homeless encampments/affordable housing needs; natural disaster/emergency preparation; maintaining neighborhood parks/public infrastructure, shall the measure continuing the existing voter-approved ¼-cent sales tax be adopted, providing approximately $7,000,000 annually for eight additional years, requiring independent audits, public disclosure, and all funds controlled locally?
Measure Q
MUSD is facing a $2 million deficit due to cuts in state and federal funding. Programs that were created with COVID resources and one-time funding, such as advanced college prep and technology courses, support for struggling students and those with special needs and healthcare professionals – such as health clerks and mental health counselors – are in jeopardy of being discontinued.
To learn more about the measure, please see our additional resources at the links below:
Candidate Information
Campaign Information: Filing Requirements
If you want to run for office in California, here is what you must report. From the Secretary of State.
Fair Political Practices Commission
Promotes the integrity of representative state and local government in California through fair, impartial interpretation and enforcement of political campaign, lobbying, and conflict of interest laws.