Official Ballot Box

Official Ballot Drop Box and Vote Center Sites in Milpitas

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While you MAY mail in the ballot for free, some are concerned that the Post Office may not be to handle the deluge of ballots, some may wish to use a drop boxThese are the locations of the ONLY ballot return boxes in Milpitas and in nearby cities.

Vote by Mail Ballot Tracking Vote by Mail Ballot Tracking
Use this link to find out if your ballot has been received by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters.

See also Vote Centers in Milpitas to Vote in Person

City Hall Ballot Drop Off
Milpitas City Hall Ballot Drop Off
455 East Calaveras Boulevard
Make either first or second right turn on Milpitas Blvd just north of the Calaveras intersection. Box is at south end of the parking lot just outside the City Hall building.
Library Ballot Drop Off Box
Milpitas Library
160 North Main Street
Use visitor drop off along N. Main Street. Use photo to guide you. Park briefly to drop off your ballot.

Young woman posting her ballot.
Milpitas Innovation Campus
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard
Drive into the west (lower, downhill) parking lot. Follow curb into drop off area. See photo. Has handicapped ramp close to the box.

This is what an official ballot drop box looks like.

Ballot Boxes

Should you see something that looks like a ballot drop box, but not at a Milpitas location in the list above, do NOT leave your ballot there!

This Is Voter Fraud! Calif. Republicans Roll Out Fake Ballot Drop-Off Boxes

So far this has not been seen in Santa Clara County, but keep a look out, and report to the Registrar of Voters by calling 408-299-8683 should you see a box claiming to be for ballots, but NOT in one of the three places listed above.

Yes, you may still mail in your ballot, but it must be postmarked on November 3, 2020. If you turn your ballot in very late, it may not get postmarked as being sent on September 14.

Returning Vote by Mail Ballots

Sign Your Envelope

Sign your name by the red  X, and then print your address and the date on the back of the return envelope.

If your signature is missing or does not match your voter registration card, your ballot cannotbe counted.

Return Your Ballot on Time

By Mail

Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before Election Day AND must be received no later than ​17 days after Election Day.

NO POSTAGE REQUIRED!  All Vote by Mail return envelopes are now postage paid. You do not need to use a postage stamp if you are returning your ballot by mail in the return envelope.

In Person

Ballots that are returned in-person must be received by 8 pm on Election Day.

Ballots can be returned at:

  • The Registrar of Voters Office1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San Jose
    For your convenience, there is a white 24-hour drop box in the parking lot.
  • Any Santa Clara County Vote Center:  A complete list of locations and hours will be announced before each election.
  • Official Ballot Drop Box Site​:  A complete list of locations and hours will be announced before each election. See list above for Milpitas locations.