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Our ballots have arrived, and while most know the candidates, often there are propositions and measures on the ballot that can be confusing. I will be updating this page with each election to give you places to research these items before you vote.

Milpitas City Measure

Measure F
Measure F is a ¼ cent local sales tax and would cost one penny for every $4 spent. According to city reports, approximately half of Measure F would be paid by visitors to Milpitas. Food purchased as groceries and prescription medication would be exempt from Measure F.

City of Milpitas Public Services Measure. To provide funding to maintain the City’s finances and services, including: police and fire protection, 9-1-1 emergency response, and natural disaster preparation; youth, senior, and recreation services; repairing park equipment and maintaining parks and recreation centers; and attracting and retaining location businesses; shall the measure, establishing a 1/4¢ sales tax, providing approximately $6,500,000 annually for 8 years, requiring independent audits, citizens’ oversight committee, all funds spent locally, be adopted?

The minimum combined 2020 sales tax rate for Milpitas, California is 9% before this new sales tax. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The California sales tax rate is currently 6%. The County sales tax rate is 3%. Milpitas does not currently collect any sales taxes other than what the county distributes to us. The City does need a new source of income. We have been relying on hotel taxes and property taxes. We turned down having Marijuana Dispensaries, which would have probably more than made up this amount of tax revenue. So if you voted against having dispensaries you should vote FOR this tax. If you voted to allow dispensaries here, you may want to vote NO to force the issue to come up again.

Currently, only the following Santa Clara County cities collect more than 9%

  • Alviso, 9.250%
  • Campbell, 9.250%
  • Los Gatos, 9.125%
  • San Jose, 9.250%

Next door, Fremont, in Alameda County, currently collects 9.250%. All Alameda county cities collect either 9.250% or 9.750%. Source for this info by sorting at the site: California City & County Sales & Use Tax Rates (effective October 1, 2020). Currently Milpitas has a sales tax advantage over its closest neighbors. A 1/4% sales tax might affect consumers shopping for high priced items. Piercy would no longer have an advantage over dealerships in San Jose or Fremont.

Tran, Phan make case for quarter-cent tax measure
Tran and Phan have teamed up to push their case for Measure F, a quarter-cent tax increase measure set to appear before Milpitas residents on this November’s ballot. Should the measure pass, the duo says, it will keep emergency response times low, keep city services open, and establish more COVID-19 testing opportunities for the city.

Pros & Cons

State Propositions

Propositions on 2020 Ballot

League of women Voters of California Ballot Recommendations
Easy Voter Guide
Gives simple explanations of white vote yes or no on each state proposition. From the League of Women Voters.

Propositions are proposed laws presented to the public to vote on. Propositions can make new laws, change existing laws, and sometimes they change California’s Constitution. They can be placed on the ballot by people who collect enough voter signatures or by state lawmakers (the California Legislature). A proposition passes and becomes law
if it receives more than 50 percent YES votes.

Propositions 14 through 24 are “initiatives.” For an initiative:
* A YES vote means that you support the way the proposition would change things.
* A NO vote means that you want to leave things the way they are now.

Proposition 25 is a “referendum,” which asks voters to decide on a law that was already passed. For a referendum:
* A YES vote means that you support the law and want to keep it.
* A NO vote means you do not want the law to go into effect.

LWV Pros & Cons
More detailed arguments for the Propostions. California voters will also be deciding on 12 state propositions that are explained in this Pros & Cons. Four of the propositions were placed on the ballot by the state legislature, seven of them were placed on the ballot by supporters who gathered sufficient signatures and seek to make changes in state laws or
the California Constitution, and one is a referendum that seeks to overturn an existing law, and was also placed on the ballot by supporters who gathered sufficient signatures.

California 2020 props explained in 1-minute videos
Want a quick introduction to the dozen measures on your November ballot? This playlist gives you a 60-second description of each — just play the first one and the rest will automatically play afterward. The Props-in-a-Minute playlist, produced by CalMatters’ reporting team, covers the array of subjects voters will be asked to decide this fall.

California ballot propositions explained | Election 2020
Here’s what voters need to know about the propositions on the California ballot this November — including measures involving affirmative action and consumer privacy and one that would allow parolees to vote. The LA Times explain each measure in a minute. By MAGGIE BEIDELMAN, CODY LONG, YADIRA FLORES, JESSICA Q. CHEN, ALBERT BRAVE TIGER LEE, OCT. 5, 2020

What’s On The Ballot? Here’s A Look At California’s 2020 Propositions
Yes, there will be a dozen different propositions for California voters this year — Prop. 14 through Prop. 25 — on everything from expanding rent control to ending the ban on affirmative action. While we at CapRadio will be reporting on these more up until Nov. 3, we wanted to give you a quick overview now on what each measure covers and what a “yes” or “no” vote will mean. Includes CapRadio reporters talking about propositions. CapRadio is a Sacramento radio station.

Spending on CA2020 Propositions
2020 Ballot Measure Contribution Totals
Committees supporting or opposing the following ballot measures have reported total contributions on specified reports, which have been compiled into a total amount of contributions in support or opposition to the ballot measure. From the Secretary of State’s Office. See who is spending big money on the propositions. Are these groups you generally agree with or not?

November 3, 2020, Primary Election Ballot

More Campaign Finance Data

Courage California, a Progressive Voters’ Guide
Group has taken positions (or not) on the Propostions for California on th e2020 ballot.

California Pro-Family Election Center
This is where you can get reliable facts and perspective and advice about how to vote for moral, social, fiscal conservative and constitutional values in California. Bible-based recommendations. Recommends to vote No on all local tax measures.

SF Chronicle Voter Guide
Your guide to the ballot measures, propositions and races that Bay Area voters are deciding. Owned by Hearst family, but they are no longer in full editorial control.

California propositions: What you should know before voting from the Mercury News
Of the 12 measures on this year’s ballot, some may feel very familiar, while others are are all new.

Equality California
The nation’s largest statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, announced endorsements of five 2020 statewide ballot measures and opposition to one measure on Wednesday afternoon. The organization previously endorsed the Schools and Communities First Initiative (Proposition 15) on January 27, 2020. Equality California has endorsed the following November 2020 statewide ballot measures:

  • Proposition 14 – Stem Cell Research, Treatments and Cures Initiative
  • Proposition 15 – Schools and Communities First Initiative
  • Proposition 16 – Opportunity for All Constitutional Amendment
  • Proposition 17 – Voting Rights for People on Parole Amendment
  • Proposition 18 – Primary Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment
  • Proposition 25 – End Money Bail Referendum

Equality California opposes the following November 2020 statewide ballot measure:

  • Proposition 20 – >Criminal Sentencing, Parole and DNA Collection Initiative

For a complete list of Equality California’s 2020 endorsements, please visit