Keeping Cool at Milpitas Pools, Water Attractions, Nearby Beaches
Got a letter from one of our faithful readers suggesting I hurry up and get a feature up on how to keep cool in or near Milpitas when the next heat wave hits. Suggestions here will range from where to find pools, walk along a beach, or find a ice cream treat. I welcome suggestions for additions to this page at any time. A reminder: in hot weather check on elderly or infirm relatives and neighbors. My mother’s air conditioning failed, and she almost couldn’t think clearly enough to get herself to a cool, safe spot. If you have screened windows, let the cold air in at night, then in…
Family struggling with loss after raging fire burns house down in Milpitas
ByRhoda Shapiro November 15, 2023 It was just after 6:30pm when Efren Rosas heard a crackling sound coming from behind him. He was dozing off on the couch; the television was on. There was no one else home at the time. His brother, Galdino Rosas, had gone out to see a movie with the rest of the family. But Efren had stayed behind, wanting to relax. When the crackling sound got his attention, Efren turned to see a wave of growing flames moving toward him. He quickly got himself up and pulled himself into his wheelchair. Then he wheeled himself out the front door of the house, the growing fire…