• Public Resources

    Telephone Numbers for City of Milpitas

    City Government Phone Directory 455 East Calaveras Boulevard Milpitas, California 95035 Tel: 408-586-3000 Fax: 408-586-3056 Telephone numbers for City of Milpitas government contacts, services and information. Services & Information Phone (408) Abandoned Vehicles 408-586-2400 Animals – Dead animal pickup on streets 408-586-2600 Athletic Facilities – field prep, lighting 408-586-2661 Building Inspection Requests 408-586-2797 Building Permits, Building & Safety 408-586-3240 Business License 408-586-3100 City Hall General Information 408-586-3000 City Attorney 408-586-3041 City Clerk 408-586-3001 City Manager 408-586-3051 Code Enforcement 408-586-3279 Community Center/Recreation 408-586-3210 Council Agenda HOTLINE 408-586-3010 Council Office 408-586-3026 Crime Tip Line 408-586-2500 Disaster Preparedness 408-586-2810 Dump 408-432-0444 Earthquake Safety Information 408-586-2810 Economic Development 408-586-3052 Emergencies – Fire, Police, Paramedics…

  • News Archives


    Kansen Chu

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 16, 2020 CONTACT: Annie Pham (916) 319-2025 KANSEN CHU’S UPDATED STATEMENT REGARDING WORLD JOURNAL ARTICLE: Correction Article by the News Outlet Published Today (SACRAMENTO, CA) – As a lifetime member of the NAACP, an immigrant, and a strong and consistent supporter of communities of color, I fully acknowledge and understand the systemic racism that people of color face then and now. Recently, there was an English translated document of an article in the World Journal, which was originally written in Chinese, suggesting that I made negative comments related to ACA 5. The article was written with the reporter’s own opinion and not direct or literal quotes…

  • Celebrations

    All the Black Lives Matter Protest Videos from Milpitas, June 7, 2020

    Black Lives Matter

    Milpitas Beat: Protesters are beginning to descend on city hall after marching from Milpitas High School. Milpitas Beat: The view from the Milpitas Civic Center about 3PM, June 7, 2020. Milpitas Beat: A rally in support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement has begun in front of the Milpitas Community Center. Milpitas Beat: Black Lives Matter Milpitas March Black Lives Matter Rally in Milpitas, by Kansen Chu, Assembly member Walking in Solidarity, Assembly Member Kansen Chu Sorry, but there were some more that weren’t embeddable here. Search Facebook videos for more, if you have an account there. Here’s a link to one I couldn’t embed from Jhonathan Muñoz Angulo. Did I miss…

  • Community Matters

    Megan’s Law Map and History

    Megans Law

    We try to keep our community as safe as possible. One way is by providing the Megans Law map so you can tell if there is a sex offender in the area where you live or learn or play. The Milpitas Police Department is committed to keeping its community as safe as possible. The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) sergeant coordinates the Milpitas Police Department’s responsibilities with respect to Megan’s Law. Any concerns or questions regarding Megan’s Law or other SIU related matters should be directed to the SIU sergeant at 408-586-2400. California Megans Law Map Website Informational Only. The California Department of Justice has not considered or assessed the specific…

  • Jokes

    A Recap of the First Three Weeks with Covid-19

    Combating COVID-19 with resilience

    Covid Jokes Here’s a recap of the last three weeks, courtesy of Peter Lengsfelder: A RECAP OF THE LAST THREE WEEKS AMERICA: Oh my god! Coronavirus! What should we do? CALIFORNIA: Shut down your state. AMERICA: Wait… what? Why? CALIFORNIA: Because 40 million people live here and we did it early, and it’s working. OHIO: Whoa… whoa… let’s not be hasty now. The president said that this whole coronavirus thing is a democratic hoax. CALIFORNIA: He also said that windmills cause cancer. Shut down your state. TEXAS: But the president said that there are only 15 cases and soon there will be zero. CALIFORNIA: The president can’t count to fifteen.…

  • History

    Democrat Rally 2000

    November 3, 2000, San Jose Civic Center I got the chance to attend the California Democratic Party rally in downtown San Jose, and to hear speeches given by some of the local candidates and by President Bill Clinton. Former SF Giants left fielder, Willie Mays, was also there to lend his support. You may click on the links and on the pictures to find out more about each person. President Clinton encouraging democrats to get out the vote! Also on the panel were Gov. Gray Davis, Mike Honda (Candidate for Congress) Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Norm Mineta (Commerce Secretary), and Willie Mays (SF Giants Special Ass’t to the President) Mike Honda…