Halloween/Fall Fests
Photo is of the GoMilpitas Haunted Yard at the east end of Grand Teton Dr. Haunted again in 2023! If you have a community-wide October Halloween or Fall Fest Drive-Trough Celebration that you’d like to publicize here, please email your Go Milpitas guide, Ann Zeise. Please leave the Milpitas address of your “haunted” yard or driveway or parking lot. Since such displays may be going up early, if you wish visitors over a range of dates, include those dates. If you have a time range when the display will be on, include that. Leave me your phone number or email address just incase I need to contact you with questions…
Halloween/Fall Fests Updated each year for Halloween. Lots of new fall fests, haunted houses, pumpkin patches and more for fun in October in and near Milpitas, CA. Children, Halloween, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Visit. Fireworks 2008 Photos Whether you attended the 4th of July Fireworks or not, you’ll probably enjoy these photos I captured. 4th of July. Fireworks Set-Up Photo Album Photos of the crew of Pyro Spectaculars setting up the fireworks display in Milpitas, July 3-4, 2000. 4th of July, Around Milpitas, History of Milpitas, Play. Light Rail Opening 2004 2.6M Slide show movie of the opening of the light rail line at the Great Mall June 23,…
Halloween Riddles
About a 100 Halloween Riddles to tickle your Funny Bone. Ghost Riddles Why do ghosts go on diets? So they can keep their ghoulish figures Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali-boo. Why did the ghost go into the bar? For the Boos. What is in a ghost’s nose? Boo-gers. Why did the policeman ticket the ghost on Halloween? It didn’t have a haunting license. Why do demons and ghouls hang out together? Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend! What does a panda ghost eat? Bam-BOO! What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? I-Scream! Why can’t the boy ghost have babies? Because he has a Hallo-weenie. How do ghosts wash…
Is everyone ok? Check on your friends
Everyone check on your friends. We have a rider down 😉 Happy October Public Safety is our Priority A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke.
20 Ways To Confuse Trick-Or-Treaters
A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke. Give away something other than candy. (Toothpicks, golf balls, bags of sand, etc.) Wait behind the door until some people come. When they get near the door, jump out, wearing a costume, and holding a bag, and yell, “Trick or Treat!” Look at them, scratch your head, and act confused. Fill a briefcase with marbles and crackers. Write on it,”Top Secret” in big letters. When trick-or-treaters come, look around suspiciously, say, “It’s about time you got here!” Give them the briefcase, and quickly shut the door. Get about 30 people to wait in your living room. When trick-or-treaters come to the door, say, “Come in.”…