Stink in Milpitas-Smell Map
The Silicon Valley odor problem seems incomprehensible. Learn about the history and current issues of the stink from Newby Island Landfill. When I was a youngster 60 or so years ago, we had a song we would sing as we drove from Oakland to Santa Cruz for a day at the Beach-Boardwalk. We’d drive our parents nuts with the repetitive drone of “doo-do-n-do-doo” over and over again, and then shouting out the name of each city we went through for the whole hour+ drive. Each had a specific hand gesture, and I don’t remember most of them any longer, but for Milpitas we’d make the gesture of rolling up the…
Affordable Housing
What is the Problem? Affordable housing in Milpitas, Santa Clara County, CA. Programs for first time buyers, teachers, and seniors looking for low cost, below market rate (BMR) housing. HUD Community Programs There are many ways for you to get involved in your community – but first, you need to become an informed citizen. Find out what kinds of funds and opportunities are available for communities. Learn the facts about your community. And let your local government know what you think. SV@Home SV@Home is uniquely positioned to advocate for housing solutions. The voice for affordable housing in the Silicon Valley. A membership organization, SV@Home advocates for policies, programs, land use,…
Foreclosure Information & How to Avoid
If you’re having trouble paying your mortgage, learn about the steps you can take to avoid foreclosure or minimize your debt after it happens. Financial Stability.gov Learn About the Making Home Affordable Refinance and Modification Options. The President’s plan was created to help millions of homeowners refinance or modify their mortgages. Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams – Help Is Free! Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available to provide you with the information and assistance you need to avoid foreclosure. Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure Whether you’re in foreclosure now or worried about it in the future, HUD has information that can help. Homeownership Preservation Foundation 888-995-HOPE hotline. We…