Tag: <span>Living in Milpitas</span>

Weight Loss Software & Calculators

Find software, apps, and calculators to help you track your diet and exercise.


Apps for iPhone and Android
Access to all Weight Watchers apps and mobile site is included with your Weight Watchers Online or eTools subscription. Membership required to use.

The best weight loss apps for iPhone & iPad 2018
Losing weight is hard but technology can help. Here are 7 terrific weight loss and diet apps for iPhone and iPad that will help you shift those unwanted pounds.

10 best weight loss apps for Android
Losing weight can be a major pain in the rear end. It requires exercise, dieting, discipline, and motivation. It also requires a person to change their habits and make positive decisions. You’ve decided to do all those things. That’s great news and we can help! Here are a list of the best weight loss apps for Android.

Calculators Online

Moose & Doc’s Ideal Weight Body Calculations
Learn what people just like you think about their ideal weight. Then set your own diet goal somewhere between a medically-recommended weight and a weight that your peers would hope for.

Excel Spreadsheets

Focus on fitness: Tools for getting in shape
Focus on Weight Loss: Tools for tracking Weight Loss
There has never been a better time than right now to get in shape. Lucky for you, Microsoft Office Online has the tools to empower you on the road to a fit body, including templates that track your nutrition, weight loss, and fitness routine.

Mac Weightloss Software

Diet Controller
Mac. Track your daily food intake. Track your exercise. View fully customizable charts. Runs on Mac OS X 10.7 and above

Diet Sleuth
Mac. A nutritional database and personal health logbook.

Lose It! – Calorie Counter
iPhone & iPad. Download the app, set your goal, and track the foods you love to lose weight. It’s simple: You use it, you lose it. Now featuring embodyDNA: personalized, DNA-based insights to help you learn which foods, drinks and activities could activate your weight loss and optimize everyday living.

Windows Weightloss Software

Weight Commander
Windows. Now free. It’s the software program that teaches, entertains, and motivates. All you have to do is enter your weight and Weight Commander does the rest.

Calaveras – Sierra Rd Loop

We had some snow over the night of January 27-28, 2002, so on the 29th, after the roads were sanded and clear, my son, Scott and I drove up in to the hills above Milpitas and San Jose to get a closer look. We took Piedmont Rd. to Calaveras. Turned right on Felter and went on up into the hills, and then back down again on Sierra Rd. to Piedmont in San Jose once again. It was about an 18 mile drive.

Recently, with Covid-19, one of the few things we can do for fun is to take a ride into the country. Here’s one of our favorite.

By Ann Zeise,
Date: January 30, 2002

Apricot orchard and mustard
The apricot and walnut grove on Piedmont Rd. near Calaveras is covered with mustard.
Palms and Snow
Palm trees glare at the audacity of snow in their ranch entrance off of Calaveras Rd.
White fence and snow
Looked like a perfect sledding hill to Scott. Too bad it’s private property.
Snowy Peaks
What could we say, but, “Oh, Wow!”
Cold cow and calf. Snowy peaks in background
OK. What’s all this talk about Zen Diva California cows who’ve never seen snow? So, now we’ve seen snow. Enough already!
Mt. Hamilton
Mt. Hamilton and its observatories in the snow, from Sierra Rd.
Mt. Hamilton
Another view of Mt. Hamilton.
View of San Jose from Sierra Rd.
View of San Jose from Sierra Rd. I-680 loops on the right into downtown San Jose. It is probably Penitenia Creek canyon on the left. Rain falls in the Santa Cruz Mountains in the distance.
Monument Peak
Monument Peak up close with Mt. Diablo far in the background. We could see for miles!
Ranch, Sierra Road.
Ranch in the foothills along Sierra Rd., Santa Clara County.
Mule Deer
Mule Deer enjoying the new, fresh, green grass on the hillsides.

From Calaveras and Peidmont Road, take Calaveras east, up into the hills.
At the “Y” Stay right onto Felter Road.
At the “Y” with Sierra Road, take Sierra Road back down into the Valley.
At the bottom, take Piedmont Road back to Milpitas.

Telephone Numbers for City of Milpitas

City Government Phone Directory

455 East Calaveras Boulevard
Milpitas, California 95035
Tel: 408-586-3000
Fax: 408-586-3056

Telephone numbers for City of Milpitas government contacts, services and information.

Services & Information Phone (408)
Abandoned Vehicles 408-586-2400
Animals – Dead animal pickup on streets 408-586-2600
Athletic Facilities – field prep, lighting 408-586-2661
Building Inspection Requests 408-586-2797
Building Permits, Building & Safety 408-586-3240
Business License 408-586-3100

City Hall General Information


City Attorney 408-586-3041
City Clerk 408-586-3001
City Manager 408-586-3051
Code Enforcement 408-586-3279
Community Center/Recreation 408-586-3210
Council Agenda HOTLINE 408-586-3010
Council Office 408-586-3026
Crime Tip Line 408-586-2500
Disaster Preparedness 408-586-2810
Dump 408-432-0444
Earthquake Safety Information 408-586-2810
Economic Development 408-586-3052
Emergencies – Fire, Police, Paramedics 911
Engineering 408-586-3300
Finance 408-586-3100
Fire Administration 408-586-2800
Fire Prevention 408-586-3365
Fire Emergency ONLY 911
Garbage/Water/Sewer Billing & Service 408-586-3100
Graffiti Hot Line 408-586-3079
Housing Rehab Loan Program 408-586-3286
Human Resources – Jobs 408-586-3090
Junk Cars/Private Property 408-586-3078
Library 408-262-1171
Maintenance Services

Animal Services
Bus Stop Cleaning
Fire Hydrant Flushing
General Information
Light Reporting
Protected Tree Removal Permits
Pot Holes
Sewer Backup
Sidewalk Repair
Storm Drain Cleaning
Street Lights
Street Signs
Street Sweeping
Street Trees
Traffic Signals
Tree Removal
Water/Sewer problems

Mayor’s Office 408-586-3029
Neighborhood Beautification 408-586-3074
Noise (Police Services) 408-586-2400
Office of Emergency Services 408-586-2800
Passport Hotline 408-586-3009
Planning & Zoning 408-586-3279
Police Business & Services 408-586-2400
Police Emergency ONLY 911
Public Access TV-Channel 15 408-586-2730
Public Works 408-586-2600
Purchasing 408-586-3161
Recreation Service 408-586-3210
Recycling & Garbage Collection – Billing Service 408-586-3100
Recycling & Garbage Collection – Commercial 408-432-1234
Recycling & Garbage Collection – Residential 408-432-0444
Recycling, Reduce, Reuse Info 408-586-2680
Senior Center 408-586-3400
Sports Center 408-586-3225
TDD: City Hall 408-586-3013
Community Center/Recreation 408-586-3208
Finance 408-586-3081
Police Dept 408-586-2484
Senior Center 408-586-2784
Sports Center 408-586-3231
Utilities (Street Lights, Trees, Water, Sewer, Problems) 408-586-3100
Utilities Emergencies (after hours) 408-586-2400
Water Billing Questions 408-586-3100
Water Emergencies – Business Hours 408-586-2600
Water Emergencies – After Hours 408-586-2400
Water HOTLINE 408-586-2605
Water Quality Questions 408-586-3348
Water Waste, Drought Questions 408-586-2666

All the Black Lives Matter Protest Videos from Milpitas, June 7, 2020

Milpitas Beat: Protesters are beginning to descend on city hall after marching from Milpitas High School.

Milpitas Beat: The view from the Milpitas Civic Center about 3PM, June 7, 2020.

Milpitas Beat: A rally in support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement has begun in front of the Milpitas Community Center.

Milpitas Beat: Black Lives Matter Milpitas March

Black Lives Matter Rally in Milpitas, by Kansen Chu, Assembly member

Walking in Solidarity, Assembly Member Kansen Chu

Sorry, but there were some more that weren’t embeddable here. Search Facebook videos for more, if you have an account there.

Here’s a link to one I couldn’t embed from Jhonathan Muñoz Angulo.

Did I miss a favorite one? You cannot use the chat bot to send me message quickly. Or the Contact me link above.

#BlackLivesMatter #Milpitas

BART Map Includes Milpitas

The BART map is getting its biggest refresh in a decade, as officials Friday rolled out a new map for the system to incorporate the soon-to-open Milpitas and Berryessa stations.

Finish line finally in sight for BART’s new Milpitas, Berryessa stations?
The finish line seems to be in sight for the first two stations of BART’s long-awaited extension into Santa Clara County, which could finally open this summer.

Milpitas and Berryessa BART stations aiming for June opening
The Milpitas and Berryessa BART stations are getting ready for business, with sights set on June for the official opening date.

Clipper cards will be used as much as possible to eliminate touch points from people’s travel experience. Meanwhile, as with VTA, social distancing measures will be established and enforced aboard all trains. In addition, extra cleaning measures will be undertaken. And rider parking payments will be largely orchestrated by way of app-based transactions. Face coverings are required for all people riding BART.

San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley Adventure Clubs

Do you believe that outdoor adventure is of huge benefit to our community and society in general? It is our aim to promote community well-being and social cohesion while encouraging healthy lifestyles and environmental awareness.

Absolute Adventures
GPS Scavenger Hunts, Sailing Regattas, Wine Tasting, Culinary Team Building, Mind-Bending Treasure Hunts and so much more!

Bay Area Outdoor Adventure Club
The bay area’s only activity club where you can do something different every weekend! Try new sports and get to know other bay area adventurers in a fun Club environment.

Outback Adventures
A comprehensive outdoor guide service, rental shop, kayak and nordic ski specialty retailer located in Saratoga and Larkspur.

Outdoor Adventure Club
Adventure trips in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, led by professional guides. The Outdoor Adventure Club helps you make every weekend count!

Outdoors and Adventure Meetups
Within 25 miles of Milpitas.

Urban Diversion
We offer 25-35 professionally hosted, unique and exciting events every month, and offer a stylish member clubhouse in downtown San Francisco . Our members are active professionals who want to meet new people, like you.

Wind Storm, October 22, 2000

Wind Storm Blasts its Way Through Milpitas

Dateline: October 22, 2000

By Ann Zeise

Several people were injured when trees fell upon them during heavy winds. Power lines were knocked down and several sections of the city were without power at various times throughout the day. Some new construction at the Pac Bell station was blown over. Most citizens spent Sunday cleaning up debris or helping neighbors.

tree on Yosemite Dr
A tree on Yosemite Dr. fell on this sports car. It appeared later on that the car had some dents, but was drivable.
Long fence along Jacklin
Long fence along Jacklin Rd. east of I-680 blew down from one end to the other.
Another view of Fallen Fence
Another view of Fallen Fence along Jacklin Rd.
Newly constructed walls at the PacBell substation blew over.
Newly constructed walls at the PacBell substation blew over.
Another view of SubStaion
Another view of SubStaion
Fred Examines Tree
Fred Zeise examines willow tree that fell down next to the Community Center, narrowly missing a picnic table and a utility box.
A large tree in Ben Rodgers Park
A large tree in Ben Rodgers Park fell on the Grand Teton home of Fred and Ann Zeise. Ann is your Go Milpitas guide for this website. The new roof has a dent along the edge, and so far the fence has stayed upright. Hopefully, the City will give the wood to the Zeises for winter firewood.

Litter Problem Solved

A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke.

A few years ago, the City of Milpitas had a litter problem. A once-clean section of town had become an eyesore because people had stopped using the trash cans. There were cigarette butts, beer bottles, chocolate wrappers, newspapers and other trash littering the streets.

Obviously, the sanitation department was concerned, so they sought ways to clean up the city. One idea was to double the littering fine from 25 dollars to 50 dollars for each offense. They tried this, but it had little effect. Another approach was to increase the number of litter-agents who patrolled the area. This was more of the same, that is, another “punish the litterer” solution, and it, too, had little impact on the problem.

Then somebody asked the following question:

“What if our trash cans paid people money when they put their trash in? We could put an electronic sensing device on each can as well as a coin-return mechanism. Whenever a person put trash in the can, it would pay him $10.”

The idea, to say the least, whacked everyone’s thinking. The problem had been changed from a “punish the litterer” one to one of “reward the law abider.” The idea had one glaring fault, however; if the city implemented the idea, it would go bankrupt. Half of the United States would come to use the trash cans!

Fortunately, the people who were listening to this idea didn’t evaluate it based on its practical merits. Instead, they used it as a stepping stone and asked themselves: “What other ways are there in which we can reward people for putting their refuse in the trash cans?” This question lead to the following solution.

The sanitation department developed electronic trash cans which had a sensing unit on the top that would detect when a piece of refuse had been deposited. This would activate a tape-recorder that would play a recording of a joke. In other words, joke-telling trash cans! Different trash cans told different kinds of jokes (some told bad puns while others told shaggy dog stories and still others told snappy one-liners) and soon developed reputations. The jokes were changed every two weeks. As a result, people went out of their way to put their trash in the trash cans, and the town became clean once again.

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