How Many Facebook Users Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?
There’s a lot of truth wrapped up in the humour here! Q: How many people does it take to change a lightbulb in the Go Milpitas Facebook Group? • 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed. • 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently. • 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs. • 17 purists who use candles and are offended by light bulb discussions. • 6 to argue over whether it’s ‘lightbulb’ or ‘light bulb’. • Another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid. •…
Dating in the Time of Coronavirus
Covid Jokes Love in Lockdown We went speed dating on Zoom and found love. You’ve seen the events announcements here for online speed dating, right? So here’s how it works for these singles. A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke.