• About Milpitas

    Stink in Milpitas-Smell Map

    Newby Island Aerial Shot

    The Silicon Valley odor problem seems incomprehensible. Learn about the history and current issues of the stink from Newby Island Landfill. When I was a youngster 60 or so years ago, we had a song we would sing as we drove from Oakland to Santa Cruz for a day at the Beach-Boardwalk. We’d drive our parents nuts with the repetitive drone of “doo-do-n-do-doo” over and over again, and then shouting out the name of each city we went through for the whole hour+ drive. Each had a specific hand gesture, and I don’t remember most of them any longer, but for Milpitas we’d make the gesture of rolling up the…

  • Public Resources

    Recycling & Garbage

    I’m Appalled by What I Learned About Recycling. But We Can Fix It.Don’t let your garbage go to the dump. Recycle it! About Bills & Rates Bottle Bills & Other Reform Compostable Garbage Computer and e-Waste Recycling We No Longer Have Dump Days. but… Hazardous Wastes Looking for Recycled Materials? Recycling Waste Management Garbage not picked up as expected? Call 408-988-4500 Milpitas Recycling & Garbage Services Residents and Business Representatives, please contact Milpitas Sanitation Customer Service at (408) 988-4500 from Monday – Friday, between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or via email at info@MilpitasSanitation.com, with all of your recycling and garbage service questions.  If you have any further questions, please…