Cheap Gas in Milpitas CA

Cheapest Gas and Station Locations in Milpitas

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Locate the least expensive, cheapest gas stations to fill up your tank in Milpitas, CA 95035

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Gas Stations and Prices

Lowest Gas Prices in Milpitas
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Costco on Automation Pkwy, San Jose.

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Where to Complain About Gas Prices

Gasoline Price Comments and Concerns
Sick of paying higher prices for gas in the Bay Area? Complain to the California Energy Commission here.

Gas Company Sites

Usually the best gas prices in town are at the Arcos.
Best Price NW side of town: From 880, take Calaveras east, north on Abbott about 2 blocks.
Park Victoria and Landess, northwest corner of intersection, 1 block east of Landess exit off 680.

76 Conoco
What is Top Tier gasoline? Road tools available. Trip Planner. How to get their credit card or give gift cards.
Tied for Best Price East Side of town: From 680, take Calaveras East 1 block on southwest corner of intersection with Park Victoria.
From 880, take Calaveras east, north on Abbott about 1 block.
From 880, take Calaveras east, on south side of the street about a block to Serra intersection.

Check out why gas prices are so high. Find out about prospecting for crude oil, refineries and gas stations.
Best Price right off 880: From 880, take Dixon Landing Road exit, right on California Circle.
From 880, take Great Mall exit. Located next to the McDonalds on the outer loop.
From 680, take Landess exit and head east. Located at the northest corner of intersection with Park Victoria.

Yelp review of the station at N. Park Victoria and E. Calaveras.
Tied for Best Price East Side of town: 12 N Park Victoria Dr
990 Jacklin Rd Has car wash.
1780 S Main St. Has car wash.

See also ~ Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Milpitas
I have arranged each type of electric vehicle charging station by its location, north to south. As you can see, most are along McCarthy Blvd.