Best Place to Live: the Great Town of Milpitas, California
Maps of California, showing location of Santa Clara County, and the county showing location of Milpitas.
Why is Milpitas a Best Place to Live?
Milpitas is a fair sized, suburban city that is situated between San Jose and Fremont, but has retained that small town feel, making us a best place to live. City Council and School Board meetings are social events, and are currently online during Covid-19, so even if you live elsewhere, you can still attend. Politically, we tend to vote Democrat, but every nuance of progressive politics is evident.
Being in Northern California, it is cooler than the southern end of the state, yet because of the Silicon Valley mountains that block the worse weather, it tends to be “nice” year around so heating and cooling bills are trivial. Frost is rare, and it never snows in the valley. Heat is seldom unbearable. Prevailing winds are typically toward the eastern hills, so if grass fires start there, they tend to go away from the town. Landslides are not a concern.
Location of Our Great Town
Santa Clara County
aka Silicon Valley
SE San Francisco Bay Area
California, United States
37n26 (Latitude)
121w54 (Longitude)
13.6 square miles
Zip code is 95035
P.O. Box Zip code is 95036
Area Code is 408
(Some cell phones and faxes have 669 or 650 area codes.)
Time Zone: Pacific We do observe daylight savings time.
Highlights making Milpitas a Best Place to Live
California Labor Force & Unemployment Rates by County
Updated monthly at the time of the official EDD Press Release for Santa Clara County
Change in 2024
Milpitas, California’s cost of living is 110% higher than the national average. Compare Milpitas’s Cost of Living to where you live now.
Milpitas is the best place to be in August, July and September our most pleasant months, while December and January are the least comfortable months when you might need an umbrella. February is often surprisingly warm. Today’s Weather | Climate Averages. Milpitas is 20 ft (6 m) above sea level. The climate here is mild, and generally warm and temperate. The average temperature in Milpitas is 15.3 °C | 59.5 °F. In a year, the rainfall is 496 mm | 19.5 inch.
Report of Registration as of March 11, 2022 Registration by County:
Santa Clara
1,266,750 Eligible
999,033 Total Registered
508,027 Democratic
165,468 Republican
24,799 American Independent
3,715 Green
Voting data and information for Milpitas.
Milpitas’s population is 81,773 people. From 2010 to 2024, it has had a population growth of 22.6%. Learn More about our growth.
Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 23% higher than the national average. Data older than June 13, 2020 about average commute time is outdated, as the BART station opened in Milpitas. This substantially shortens commute time to places along the BART routes. For example, a commuter can get from Milpitas to the Salesforce Plaza in San Francisco in 1:12h, including a 10 minute walk. Google Employees can catch Google Bus on Calaveras, just west of Hillview.
The median home cost in Milpitas is $1,661,670 and median rent is $5,052/month. Highest Appreciating Milpitas Neighborhoods Since 2000: the best are Cielo Terra Serena Villa/Granada and Central Milpitas. Check out the homes in the area.
Milpitas Unified School District’s 2024-25 proposed budget will be adopted July 1, 2024. To see the right hand numbers you must download the pdf file. The General Fund Expenditures are $173,303,489.
MUSD’s Strategic Goal #1, Build a Culture of We, is about diversity, equity, and inclusion in our policies, practices, and especially, in our relationships with one another. Striving for this goal requires a commitment to learning about others, and ourselves, which is why we have established a Culture of We Equity Team this year to accelerate our growth.
More on Education in Milpitas.
Civic and social organizations have fully adopted modern means of social networking and other means of getting information out to Milpitas. For social networks, click on the “Social” tab to find social networks hosted by this community website, and other social networking groups.
We have two newspaper resources, plus a very good high school online newspaper, The Union.
A search on “Milpitas” in YouTube brings up thousands of locally made videos demonstrating our interests and showcasing the talents of our videographers.