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Movies in and near Milpitas, California

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Century 20 Great Mall

Century 20 Great Mall Milpitas show times. Don’t wait. Guarantee your seat before you go and avoid a sold out show. A fair number of non-English films.
1010 Great Mall Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035

CinéArts-Endorsed films are also playing at this theatre.

Cineark Popcorn Calorie Count
You may want to order the “Junior” size and hold the butter! There are some inconsistencies in this database, but you’ll get the general idea.

Theaters nearby with Covid19 cleaning and procedures in place. All are quite far from Milpitas.

Nearby Movies with advance ticketing. Most open with Covid restrictions in place.

State/Local mandates require masks be worn at all times. Therefore, no food or beverage permitted.

AMC Mercado 20 open
AMC Saratoga 14 open
Pruneyard Cinemas, Campbell closed
Century Cinemas 16, Mt View open
Century at Pacific Commons, Fremont open
Cinelux Almaden Cinema, San Jose only cafe open
Cinelux Plaza Theatre, Campbell open
CinéMark, Santana Row, San Jose open
Hackworth IMAX Dome, San Jose closed
Niles Essanay, Silent Film Museum, Niles closed for renovation

More Theaters…


Watch up to 15 free movies a month through the library service. All you need is your library card number and password.

iTunes Movie Trailers
Dozens of QuickTime movie trailers from the Apple website. These are larger than you’ll find on most theatre sites, and cover not only what is out there now, but also popular recent videos and DVDs. Send to your iPod touch or iPhone.

Video Production Groups
There are a number of good video production groups and companies in Milpitas. Some are non-profit and some are commercial

Other shopping categories at the Great Mall