“L” Directory of Milpitas
Milpitas, Santa Clara County and California laws that are top on our mind.
Crime Fighting.
Laws Regarding Fireworks in Milpitas
In general, ordinary citizens of Milpitas may not hold fireworks displays within city limits.
4th of July, Laws.
Lawyers in Milpitas
There are top attorneys right here in our small town to help you with personal and business matters. Some speak multiple languages and can help with immigration matters.
Covid-19, Crime Fighting, Elmwood Jail, Laws, Legal.
Leather Goods & Luggage at The Great Mall
The Great Mall carries the bulk of leather & luggage stores in Milpitas. Do check Sporting Goods for sports related leather products and bags for sports equipment.
Clothing, Great Mall
Legal Services – see Crime Fighting
Legal services and other information to help fight crime, or just help you find a lawyer.
Crime Fighting, Elmwood Jail, Government, Learn, Legal.
Lend-A-Tool Shed
Milpitas residents, businesses, property owners and community groups may borrow these tools free of charge!
Gardening, Government, Living in Milpitas, Work.
LGBTQ Milpitas
Milpitas is proud to be the hometown of Broadway’s Drag Darling Cacophony Daniels. LGBTQ Pride is usually held in June. Find roomies, health services.
Adult Education, Around Milpitas, Health, Housing, Living in Milpitas.
Library – see Community Library
The Milpitas Community Library is a tremendously popular resource.
Children, Covid-19, Learn, Play.