“M” Directory of Milpitas
Bay Area magazines that help you find the good life here.
About, Learn, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, News, Play, Work.
Mailing & Shipping
Postal Services in Milpitas, CA, include many other services, too, such as shipping packages and notary services, too.
Government, Living in Milpitas, Shop
Mail Lists – see Social Networking Groups for Milpitas Neighborhood Discussions
Connect with others in Milpitas and nearby to talk about our town and its activities.
Around Milpitas, Crime Fighting, Living in Milpitas.
Main Street History Tour
Joann Souza narrates a tour of Main Street telling about the historic buildings and sites along the way.
About, Around Milpitas, History of Milpitas, Video, Visit.
Major Stores – Great Mall
Shop at the major Great Mall stores online or off.
Around Milpitas, Great Mall, Shop, Work.
Malls – see Milpitas Shopping Malls
Looking for a link to a particular store in a certain mall? Look here. Even if I don’t have a link, the phone number is here.
Restaurants, Shop.
Map to Milpitas Schools
Map showing where the public schools are located. Page includes links to school websites and principals’ email addresses.
Children, Learn, MUSD, Schools, Teens.
Maps and directions to the most often visited places in Milpitas.
Around Milpitas, Maps, Visit.
Maps to Milpitas Parks and Recreation Sites
Addresses, facilities, and maps to all the parks and recreational facilities in Milpitas.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Living in Milpitas, Pets, Play.
Marijuana Dispensaries
Milpitas does, however, have one marijuana delivery service in town. Marijuana dispensaries nearby in San Jose are listed here for your convenience.
Living in Milpitas, Medical, Shop.
Martial Arts
Learn martial arts at these clubs in Milpitas, CA.
Children, Learn, Sports, Teens.
McCarthy Ranch Marketplace
McCarthy Blvd.
Banking & Investing
Clothing and Footwear
Health and Beauty
Home Furnishings and Crafts
Major Stores
McCarthy Ranch, Restaurants, Shop, Stay.
Medical Technology
Companies here make medical imagining equipment, devices to combat heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Medical, Work.
Medicine and Pharmacies in Milpitas
Shop for prescription and alternative medicines. Learn about the treatments and proper disposal of prescription drugs.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Health, Medical, Shop.
Meeting Halls
Whether you need a meeting hall for business, a wedding, or large event, there’s a place to rent in Milpitas!
Around Milpitas, Living in Milpitas, Play, Visit, Work.
Megan’s Law
We try to keep our community as safe as possible. One way is by providing this map so you can tell if there is a sex offender in the area where you live or learn or play.
Crime Fighting, Government, Legal.
Men’s Apparel – Great Mall
Clothes for active young men on up through business suits for VIPs at outlet prices.
Clothing, Great Mall, Men, Shop.
Message Boards – see Social Networking Groups for Milpitas Neighborhood Discussions
Connect with others in Milpitas and nearby to talk about our town and its activities.
Around Milpitas, Crime Fighting, Living in Milpitas.
Mexican Food Restaurants
From authentic mexican cuisine to fast food, you can find good Mexican food in Milpitas, CA.
Restaurants, Visit.
Milpitas Alumni Groups & Reunion Plans
A number of classes from Milpitas High School and Ayer High School have virtual and real reunions.
History of Milpitas, Play, Schools.
Milpitas Community Library
Where, When Open, Events, and Phone Number
160 N. Main St.
Phone number links work with cell phones.
Children,Learn, Play.
Middle Schools – see Milpitas Unified School District
General Milpitas school district information.
Children, MUSD, Schools.
Milpitas High School
Find out about school information, clubs, events and other news at our California high school.
Learn, MUSD, Schools.
Milpitas Historical Society April 14, 2021 with Mort Levine & Deva Luna
Milpitas Post founder Mort Levine, with his daughter Deva Luna, reflects on his family’s history in Milpitas.
About, History of Milpitas, Learn, Video.
Milpitas Mall Shopping Center, Landess
Anchor store is Seafood City. There are banks and credit unions, health and fitness products and services, grooming, restaurants, and other services, too.
Around Milpitas, Banking, Restaurants, Shop.
Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Jokes
We love to laugh about ourselves! Cyberjokes with a Silicon Valley or parenting twist.
Milpitas National Little League Baseball
For more information, email milpitasnationallittleleague@gmail.com or visit Milpitas National Little League on Facebook.
Children, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Kids’ Clubs, Play, Sports, Teens.
Milpitas Shopping Center
W. Calaveras Blvd. next to Calaveras Plaza
Major merchants: Mil’s Diner, O’Reilly’s, Goodwill
Milpitas Town Center
E. Calaveras Blvd. and Hillview
Major merchants: Staples, Safeway, BevMo, 24Hour fitness, Giorgio’s Italian Restaurant
Milpitas Xtreme Robotics Making 3D Face Shields
One of the new projects we have undertaken is our effort to 3D print face shield parts in partnership with Maker Nexus to donate to local hospitals, and we have already printed over 50 so far.
Moms’ Organizations with Their Kids
For mothers who want to network with other moms in or near Milpitas, Califiornia.
Children, Kids’ Clubs, Play, Women.
Motels – see Hotels
Milpitas hotels and motels provide a variety of services to accommodate visitors and business guests.
Around Milpitas, Stay, Visit.
What’s at the movies? Movie Reviews. Buy videos & DVDs. Video stores.
Great Mall, Theater.
Muscular / Skeletal Clinics
Doctors, chiropractors, sports therapists, and massage therapists to help with your muscle and skeletal health problems.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Medical.
Children-Welcome museums in Silicon Valley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area. A Guide feature.
Children, History of Milpitas, Learn, Nearby, Play.
Come dance and sing and make merry with musical instruments with us!
Around Milpitas, Learn, Play, Schools.
Mysterious Rock Walls
The East Bay Walls are accessible in several area parks, including Ed R. Levin County Park in Santa Clara County and Mission Peak Regional Preserve in Alameda County.
History of Milpitas, Learn, Nearby, Visit.