Games & Toys
Earwig Enterprises has a medical game. Unipak dresses up stuffed toy animals. Places to play or work on networked computers.
Play, Shop, Sports.
Hairdressers, Hair Salons, Barber Shops-Best in Milpitas
These are the best hair salons to get your hair done in Milpitas. Some also offer other beauty services, such as nails.
Beauty, Covid-19, Men, Shop, Women.
Jewelry Stores in Milpitas
While many department stores also sell jewelry, these Milpitas stores primarily sell jewelry. Many have very fine gems while others only costume jewelry.
Great Mall, Milpitas Square, Shop.
Print and Copy Shops-Graphics Support in Milpitas
Find commercial printers, silk screened clothing, copy services, and photo printing services.
Around Milpitas, Shop.
Shopping Centers
Looking for a link to a particular store in a certain mall? Look here. Even if I don’t have a link, the phone number is here.
Restaurants, Shop.
Specialty Clothing Stores in Milpitas
Milpitas also has some unique ethnic clothing stores, and three stores where you can recycle clothing.
Black-owned, Clothing, Covid-19, Shop, Woman Owned.
Sporting Goods
GoMilpitas only lists sporting goods stores that do not carry automatic rifles. Find products to support your favorite way of keeping fit.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Great Mall, Play, Shop, Sports