10 Tips to Reduce Your Chances of Becoming a Crime Victim
- Lock doors and windows when you are not going to be at home. Many home burglaries have occurred by suspects finding an unlocked window or open door to enter through.
- Lock car doors and do not leave any property in plain view. Valuables left out in the open may tempt thieves. If you must leave belongings in the car, place them in the trunk and out of sight.
- When walking on the street or to your car from a business, make eye contact with others and be aware of your surroundings. Keeping your head down and not making eye contact with people makes a person look more vulnerable to an assailant.
- When getting into your car after shopping or doing errands, do not sit in your car for a long period of time. It can give an assailant time to get into the car and rob or assault you.
- Always look in the back seat of your car before getting in. If someone is in the backseat, exit your car immediately and call the police.
- If you enter an elevator and feel unsafe because you are alone with someone, exit the elevator – it is better to be safe than sorry.
- If you are getting harassing phone calls, keep a notebook by the phone and write down dates and times. It helps to keep a log of harassment and the notebook can be given to police as possible evidence in the future.
- When eating at a restaurant or sitting in a public place, do not leave your purse or purchased items in a vulnerable spot. A purse or bag hanging on the back of a chair can easily be taken by a thief. Keep purchases or bags under the table or in an area where they are not easily accessible. You can put the strap of a bag or purse under the leg of your chair.
- When needing assistance on the side of the road, and a cell phone is not available, only roll down your window enough to speak to whomever has stopped to help. Ask the person to call police or your roadside assistance provider for you and wait in the car.
- If you are home alone and a stranger is knocking at the door, speak to them through the door or through a window nearby. If they ask to use the phone, let them know you can call police on their behalf. You do not have to let anyone inside your home to use the phone. This is not rude… it is safe.
- Watch this video:
See also: Crime Fighting: Ways to fight, prevent and report crimes in Milpitas, CA.
Scam Alerts
GoMilpitas.com provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report ongoing scams.
Utility Scam Alert
Avoid being scammed by fake utility workers, who keep you engaged at your front door while their cohort goes around back and steals from you.