Crime Fighting
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Crime Fighting

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Crime Fighting: Ways to fight, prevent and report crimes in Milpitas, CA.

All Point Bulletins
Being a Kid is Not a Crime
Consumer Services
Crime Victim Resources
Data & Statistics
Documents & Forms
Domestic Violence
Identity Theft
Jails-Correctional Facilities
Legal Institutions
Megan’s Law
Sex Crimes

Milpitas Citizens Online Police Reporting System

Please confirm the following to find out if online citizen police report filing is right for you:

  • This is not an Emergency?
  • This incident occurred within the Milpitas City limits?
  • There are No Known suspects?
  • This did not occur on a State Freeway?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you are ready to file your report online.

If you do not wish to be anonymous, you may call 408-586-2400

Crime Tip Hotline
To report crimes anonymously to the Milpitas Police:
Call 408-586-2500 or click the link above to report with online form.

Milpitas Youth Crime Activity Lead Line
Reward of $100 if report leads to an arrest:
(866) 276-5463

Milpitas Police Department
1275 North Milpitas Blvd.,
Milpitas, California 95035 
Main Phone: 408-586-2400

Contacting Milpitas Police
Crime Tip Line – 408-586-2500
Neighborhood Watch Info – 408-586-2525


Scam Alerts provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report ongoing scams.

Utility Scam Alert
There was one such scam reported in Milpitas recently so I wanted to share with you the information on the flyer. Please share the flyer with your neighbors.

All Point Bulletins

Wanted Posters–San Jose Police Department.
The Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) is an Intelligence Sharing Initiative owned and operated by the Federal, State and Local Public Safety Partners of the Region. © 2013 NCRIC Northern California Regional Intelligence Center. All rights reserved.

The “Most Wanted Terrorists” List
United States Government officials have announced the creation of the “Most Wanted Terrorists” List. The first individuals placed on this list are 22 people wanted for their role in crimes committed since 1985, crimes which resulted in the death of innocent people around the world.

Consumer Services

Consumer Publications
California Department of Consumer Affairs online publications regarding rights and responsibilities.

Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (FTCR)
A nationally-recognized, California-based, non-profit education and advocacy organization. Our job is to fight to protect your interests every day. We provide people with the facts, not propaganda. We hold the politicians and the special interests accountable when they endanger the public.

FTC Consumer Complaint Form
Use this form to submit a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Bureau of Consumer Protection about a particular company or organization. This form also may be used to submit a complaint to the FTC concerning media violence. The information you provide is up to you.

Small Claims Court of Santa Clara County
Consumer Resource & Referral Guide to Legal Agencies for when you want your day in court.

Crime Victim Resources

The Victims of Crime Resource Center
Understanding victim rights. The Victims of Crime Resource Center is located on the Pacific McGeorge School of Law campus in Sacramento, California. The Center operates the State of California’s confidential, toll-free 1-800-777-9229 line.

Amber Alert Plan in California
The CHP is ready to assist in the recovery of an abducted child with statewide notifications of child abduction information.

California Bar Association
Legal Referral Services in the state of California.

California Victim Compensation Program (Cal VCP)
We can assist you and your family with out-of-pocket costs related to the crime, such as medical and counseling bills. To do that, Victim Advocates can help you fill out the proper forms.

District Attorney, Santa Clara County
We in the District Attorney’s Office are making every effort to achieve the lowest crime rate reasonably possible while emphasizing the prosecution of violent crime. 70 West Hedding Street, West Wing, San Jose, CA 95110, Phone: 408-295-2656.

Graffiti Terminators
Graffiti Hotline: 408-408-586-3079
Become a graffiti terminator and help beautify Milpitas.

Santa Clara County Bar Association
Court information, lawyer referral service, information for those in the legal profession.

State Attorney General
Bill Lockyer. How the Department of Justice works to ensure safety and justice for all the people of the Golden State.

If you were the victim of a crime, and your offender has been convicted, you might be eligible for restitution. Our Restitution Specialists can assist you in obtaining court ordered restitution from offenders.

Data & Statistics for Milpitas

Bay Area homicides 2018: Map and details
Red dots indicate shootings, yellow dots are stabbings, blue are other methods. Click on a dot for more details of the incident. Links to the Bay Area News Group articles about the crimes are below. Find homicide maps from previous years, too.

Criminal Justice Statistics Center
The California Attorney General’s site contains more than 5,000 statistical tables, 59 reports, 29 publications, links to federal, state, and local agency statistics, and links to other criminal statistics services.

Documents & Forms

Law Depot
Free Legal Documents, Forms and Contracts. Print or download your customized legal document in 5-10 minutes.

Small Claims Forms
Free to view and print out on your home or business printer. From the Superior Court’s Small Claims Advisor.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence
What to do and who to call if you or a friend are a victim of domestic violence in Santa Clara County.


Crimes of Persuasion
Inform the public, along with law enforcement personnel, justice officials and victim support groups on the workings and scope of telemarketing and investment fraud so that efforts can effectively be taken to minimize the impact on its victims and ensure that adequate penalties are in place to deter the perpetrators.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime.

Straight Talk About Telemarketing
It’s like clockwork. You sit down to dinner and the phone rings. You answer it. The caller is trying to sell you something or tell you that you’ve won a fabulous prize. If you’re tempted by the offer, get the facts. If you don’t, you may be in for a fraud.

Identity Theft

Defend: Recover from Identity Theft
Take steps to respond to and recover from identity theft as soon as you suspect it.

General Guide For Victims Of Identity Theft
This information is provided by the Attorney General to assist individuals who are victims or suspect they may be victims of identity theft. It is intended as a general guide, not as legal advice.

Identity Theft: Online Resources Can Help Protect You
How to protect yourself against identity theft and respond if it happens. A USA government site.

Illegal Drugs

Anonymous Crime Tip Form
You can play an important part in reclaiming your neighborhood from crime and illegal drug trafficking. Any information you supply will help police in their efforts to suppress drug-related activity in your area. All of the information collected will be taken seriously and is confidential. You can also remain anonymous if you wish.

Laws & Legislation

Milpitas, Santa Clara County and California laws that are top on our mind.

Legal Institutions

FBI – San Francisco Division
The San Francisco Division operates from its headquarters office in downtown San Francisco as well as from its Resident Agencies in Concord, Eureka, Hayward, Monterey, Oakland, Palo Alto, San Jose, San Rafael, and Santa Rosa.

Jails – Correctional Facilities
Information and links for Elmwood Correctional Facility and the Correctional Center for Women.

Sheriff’s Office
A very helpful and technical site. Just about everything you’ll want to know about crime fighting in Santa Clara County.

United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit
Federal Court for appeals, bankruptcy, etc. for the Pacific states and territories. History and a “walk-through” of a typical case.


License Look-Up Page
The California State Department of Consumer Affairs offers this page for you to check that the professional you are considering hiring has a license in the State of California.

Neighborhood Watch
The city police will help you organize a crime prevention Neighborhood Watch program in your neighborhood. Call 408-586-2400.

Sex Crimes

Megan’s Law
Gives the benefit of the doubt to parents and community leaders by removing the veil of secrecy that has shrouded the whereabouts of over 64,000 registered sex offenders in California.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free. Confidential. 24/7. Click to call
The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, y in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Sex Offender Background Checks: A Complete Guide [2024]
BPreparing to hire a new employee can be nerve-racking since adding someone new to your business can impact morale and how well your business operates. If you hire the wrong person, it can lead good employees to look for new jobs and hurt productivity.


Spam Email
To forward unwanted or deceptive spam to the FTC send it to, and be sure to include the full email header. If you think you have been taken advantage of by a spam scam, file a complaint with the FTC online at Complaints will help the FTC find and stop people who are using spam to defraud consumers.

SPAM information from the California Office of the Attorney General
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get rid of this electronic junk mail, but there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of unwanted spam and precautions to take to avoid falling victim to bogus offers slipping into your in-box. You may file a Consumer Complaint Against A Business/Company from this page.