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Laws in Milpitas

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Milpitas, Santa Clara County and California laws that are top on our minds.

Being a Kid is Not a Crime
Thoughts on Curfews and links to web sites with Curfew Law information.

Domestic Violence
Local solutions to domestic violence. If you, a loved one, or a co-worker are suffering through domestic violence, we list here resources in or near Milpitas where you can get help.

Laws Regarding Fireworks in Milpitas
In general, ordinary citizens of Milpitas may not hold fireworks displays within city limits.

Kids and the Law
First published in 1996 after a State Bar survey revealed that many kids were unclear about certain laws and the consequences for breaking them. It was revised into its current form in 2001. Print versions are now available in Spanish and Chinese.

Milpitas Municipal Code
The electronic version of the Milpitas Municipal Code

Open Government Ordinance
Public officials who attempt to conduct the public’s business in secret should be held accountable for their actions. Only a strong open government and open government ordinance, enforced by a strong open government commission can protect the public’s interest in open government. Read the full 28-page Open Govenrment Ordinance as pdf file.

Safely Surrendered Baby Law

The purpose of the law is to protect babies from being hurt or killed because they were abandoned. The law allows a parent or legal guardian to confidentially surrender an infant, three days old or younger, to any hospital emergency room or other designated Safe Surrender site.

Shopping Cart Ordinance
The City of Milpitas Shopping Cart Ordinance will be strictly enforced. The Shopping Cart Ordinance states that it is unlawful to either temporarily or permanently remove a shopping cart from a business premises or parking lot.

When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers
Addresses a number of issues important to young adults. Available in English and Spanish.

Wood Burning Appliances and Compliance
Here is a quick overview of the requirements in the Air District’s Regulation 6, Rule 3: Wood-Burning Devices.