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Organizations and Charitable Groups in Milpitas

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Come enjoy belonging and supporting organizations in Milpitas based on your interests and how you want to spend your time helping others. This is the page for adult organizations, charities, and the civic action groups.

Organizations by Topic

Civic Action
Hobbies & Interests


FLY – Fresh Lifelines for Youth
Since 1998, FLY, a nonprofit organization designed by troubled teens themselves, has been providing programs for more than 1,000 at-risk and disadvantaged youth, their parents and guardians, and community members. 568 Valley Way.

Milpitas Family Help Net
The MFHN asks for donations from the community to help those in need. We distribute funds to help families in emergency situations so they can maintain stability and some semblance of humanity. Contact Tina Broyles or call her at 408-332-7479.

Milpitas Senior Center
Offers activities for those 50 years and older.

PARI Foundation
Our goal is to enable rural youth to realise their full potential in life by providing them tools and motivation through education and other activities’
691 S Milpitas Blvd Suite 210

See also: Kids’ Clubs


Chamber of Commerce
About the Chamber, it’s goals, and how to join. This is in the office building just south of the gym. Take Jacklin Road just east of 680 and turn south on Hillview. Park in 2nd driveway on the north side.
828 N. Hillview Drive

Silicon Valley Central Chamber of Commerce
The SVC Chamber is your Business Chamber in Silicon Valley, and we believe that opportunity & success are for everyone to experience. As a result, we have teamed up with Live Stories and the City of Milpitas to administer the 2022 Milpitas Small Business Assistance Grants Program.
3350 Scott Blvd, Building 54Santa Clara, CA 95054-3124

Toast Masters – District Four
The premier educational non-profit volunteer organization assisting people to improve their communication and leadership skills.

Toastmasters – 7242
Meetings are online at this time. Develop your communication skills while having fun. We meet every Monday from 7pm to 8:30pm at ICC (Indian Community Center), 525 Los Coches St, Milpitas, CA 95035

Civic Action

Friends of the Milpitas Community Library
This group raises funds for the Library by having book sales several times a year.

Kiwanis Club of Milpitas Foundation
Sevice organization sponsoring hands-on projects focusing on special needs of the community, helping the elderly and youth. We are the sponsor organization for the Milpitas High School Key Club. Email:

Knights of Columbus
Council 8747. News of events. Email address for the Grand Knight, Dennis Pachucki. Links for local Catholics.

Milpitas Democratic Club
On this Facebook page, you will be able to find upcoming events, and recent relevant news.

Project Cornerstone
A growing collaborative dedicated to engaging our entire community in the critical task of connecting youth and adults. Our approach is based on nationwide research that has identified a set of experience and values that we call “developmental assets.”

Rotary Club of Milpitas
We will meet Mondays at 12:00 PM at the Dave & Buster’s Restaurant, 940 Great Mall Drive, probably starting in August 2021. You can also watch our meetings on Facebook. The GoMilpitas calendar of Events usually has Zoom meeting information.

Rotary Club of Silicon Andhra
Facebook. This new club got its charter on the 4th of August, 2019, with 221 charter members, which is a world record. I can understand the hard work put in by Sri Anand and others to convince and motivate people to join the club as charter members. Contact:
1521 California Circle

Salvation Army: Golden State Division
Human services and emergency and disaster assistance. Milpitas Social Services Unit, 220 S. Main Street. Contact Mr. Kenneth Bocchini, 831-946-8487

San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory
A guide to about 1000 organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area of interest to progressive activists.

See also: Community Services


Committee For Green Foothills
Help protect and preserve the hills, forests, creeks, wetlands, and coastal lands of the San Francisco Peninsula through grass-roots education, planning, and legislative advocacy.

Greenbelt Alliance
The leading land conservation organization in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area.

Loma Prieta Sierra Singles
Local branch of the Sierra Club has carpool arrangements at McCarthy Ranch for getting to hikes and a whole host of other activities of interest to singles in their 30s and 40s.


Ethnic Organizations
Black, Chinese, East Indian, and Vietnamese Organizations in Milpitas or nearby and with lots of Milpitas members.


American Red Cross
Northern California Chapter. Emergency preparedness, blood drive info, and more.

Healthier Kids Foundation
We are diverse group of health screeners, case managers, community members, executives, and health professionals united in our desire to create the next generation of healthy, happy world leaders.
4040 Moorpark Ave., Suite 100San Jose, CA 95117

Insulin Pumpers
Provides information and support for adults and children with diabetes and their families interested in insulin pump therapy. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.

Vista Center for the blind and visually impaired
Nationwide, Lions Clubs help the blind and vision impaired. Local clubs, realizing that there was no facility for the blind in Santa Clara County, banded together to build the center and organize its programs.

See also: Health Services

Hobbies & Interests

Hobbies & Interests Groups in Milpitas
If you’d like to join with others who have a hobby, talent or interest like you in Milpitas, you’ll find a long list here.


Neighborhood Associations
Neighborhood websites and private mail lists. Information on how to organize a neighborhood association.


Milpitas Firefighters Local 1699
Founded in 1967. Our purpose is to serve and protect the community of Milpitas. Preservation of life, property and the environment within this community is the reason for our existence. Facebook page.

Labor Unions in the SF Bay Area
A listing with links from the Progressive Directory.