Teenagers in Silicon Valley & Milpitas
What’s there to do for teenagers in this town? How do Milpitas and other Silicon Valley cities treat their teenagers?
Kids of the Silicon Valley Housing Crisis
Gabriel’s parents paid $1,200 a month for close to two decades. But with the Silicon Valley housing explosion, rents are rapidly rising and the family is now priced out of their neighborhood.
The Most Interesting Teenager In Silicon Valley
During his first semester at USC, Lavingia was contacted by Pinterest’s founders. He dropped out of school to become a founding member of the site.
Pressure to Succeed: Silicon Valley Teens Face Culture of High Expectations
“Having that sort of constant weight of, ‘Oh, I really have to succeed sometimes,’ that can really wear you down.”
The Real Teens of Silicon Valley
Inside the almost-adult lives of the industry’s newest recruits. There’s no official tally of the number of teens who work in tech, but Fontenot estimates that there are as many as a hundred recent high school dropouts working on startups in the city. Some were too distracted by programming projects and weekend hackathons to go to class.
Teen Anxiety in Silicon Valley: How Academic Pressure Affects Mental Health
Everywhere you look, there’s a story about a new teen building the next hot startup. Lists like the Forbes 30 Under 30 (which I was shamelessly on) encourage it. It’s part of the culture. This is where I’m torn.
Teenage Wasteland
Most of the attention given to teenagers in Santa Clara County comes in the form of restrictions driven by law enforcement, instead of what kids really need. Can society ever learn to love its teens? By Traci Hukill.
Civic Groups
Azen Seagulls
The Azen Seagulls strive to share our love for arts and crafts with others. We provide engaging and interactive videos for young kids and teens that will enhance or begin their experience with arts and crafts. Especially with quarantine, we believe it’s the perfect time to explore new things, and we believe that art can take you places! We Upload Videos Every Monday! YouTube Channel.
FLY – Fresh Lifelines for Youth
Since 1998, FLY, a nonprofit organization designed by troubled teens themselves, has been providing programs for more than 1,000 at-risk and disadvantaged youth, their parents and guardians, and community members.
568 Valley Way, Building 4
Public Allies
Public Allies identifies talented young adults from diverse backgrounds and advances their leadership through full-time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofit organizations, weekly leadership trainings and team service projects. Contact Holly Lim by email.
600 Valley Way, Suite C
Teen Advisory Board at Milpitas Library
If you’re interested in advocating for Milpitas teens, creating and planning events, and working on a team with like-minded teens, consider sending in an application and email it to rleo@sccl.org. Requirements are that you are in grades 9-12, able to attend a monthly meeting during the school year, and actively go to Milpitas Library.
Youth Advisory Commission
Established to advise the Council on matters pertaining to youth and teens in Milpitas. Commissioners must be in grades 7 through 12 and live in Milpitas. Members and alternates are appointed to one-year terms.
Milpitas Youth Force (MYF)
Preparing Milpitas teens, ages 15-18, to successfully and confidently enter the workforce by providing new opportunities, goal setting, hands on exposure, breaking down barriers and career soft skill building. Apply in early spring for work over the summer.
Indeed Jobs for Teens within 10 miles of City Center
Teen jobs in Milpitas, CA
Snag a Teen Job in Milpitas, CA
If you’re looking for part time jobs in Milpitas, California or even student jobs and jobs for teens in Milpitas, California, you’ve come to the right place!
Teens: summer jobs to avoid
Many teens are working in unsafe conditions without the proper training or supervision. Too many are injured or killed on the job because they were performing tasks prohibited by federal or state labor laws.
High Schools
Calaveras Hills High School
Our mini-high school serves 220 9-12 students. 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., 408-945-2398.
Milpitas High School
Milpitas High School has a web site to keep teens and their parents abreast with events and activities at the school.
The MHS Union Blog
Blog has more up-to-date news than the newspaper below about what is going on in Milpitas High. Also easier to read.
The Union ~ Student Voice of Milpitas High School
Online version of the Milpitas High School Newspaper.
Of Interest
Drivers Ed
For teens and others new to driving in California here are links for driving schools, driving test practice sites and safety tips.
Silicon Valley De-Bug
A collective of young workers, writers, and artists organizing to improve Silicon Valley.
Best fun things for teens near Milpitas
Room escapes, K1 speed, Sky High sports, Golfland, dance studios, and more.
Fun Inside
Quiet and active things to do inside. Teen Club information.
India Community Center Main Youth Center
From preschool programs to classes for teens. Learn Bollywood dancing.
India Community Center Table Tennis Center
The ICC Table Tennis program has been growing exponentially since its launch in 2005. In 11 years it has opened North America’s largest dedicated table tennis center and has produced 2012 USA Olympic team members Timothy Wang, Ariel Hsing & Lily Zhang. Team ICC playerLily Zhang and Jiaqi Zheng will also represent USA at 2016 Rio Olympics.
Skatepark at Milpitas Sports Center
A beautiful 20,000-square foot, all-wheel skate experience, with a combination of transition and street terrain.
Teen Center
Temporarily on hold due to Covid restrictions. The Milpitas Teen Center is a safe space that provides services and programs for teens. There will be drop-in activities and classes from 3:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, with classes, trips and events on evenings and weekends. See site for calendar. Check Facebook page for news. Teen Center rules.
40 N. Milpitas Blvd. – inside Senior Center.
Youth Sports
This site’s section for public and private sports opportunities for community youth.
Youth Groups
An association of marketing students. The students run a ship-shaped cart called the TIE-TANIC in the Great Mall. Contact is Tonette Rancadore, at 408-941-9603.
Kids’ Clubs
From scouting to sport teams, Milpitas has lots of groups for kids and teens.