Free and Low Cost Meals
There are a number of places in Milpitas that offer free and low cost meals for those having difficulty meeting their nutrition needs.
Community Food Drop Off Locations
If you have excess fruit and are physically able to harvest it, the following agencies accept and distribute fruit and produce donations to the hungry in their communities.
Park Victoria Baptist Church, Operation Share.
Drop Off Days and Hours: Tu-Fr 9 am – 12 pm / 2 pm – 5 pm at the church office
875 S. Park Victoria Dr.
(408) 263-9000
The Milpitas Food Pantry
M -Th 9 am – 1 pm,
Th 6 – 8 pm,
and Sat 9 am – 12 pm.
1440 S. Main Street, Milpitas, CA 95035
Food Assistance: Applying for CalFresh
If you believe you may be eligible for Food Stamp benefits, you may apply online via the Benefits CalWIN website. If you submit your application online, you will receive an appointment letter for a face-to-face or phone interview. Be aware that there are scam sites online. These are the official Santa Clara County and California sites.
Great Plates Delivered Program
Residents in need of GPD services can click here to sign up OR call 211, 408-350-3230, option 1. San José launched Great Plates Delivered (GPD), to encourage restaurant recovery, bolster food distribution efforts, and provide up to 30,000 meals per week to eligible seniors and high-risk vulnerable populations. GPD was announced by Governor Gavin Newson on April 24 as an “Emergency Feeding Program Framework” seeking to expand meal access to include a population of newly defined vulnerable persons, stimulate local restaurant recovery, and put in place streamlined funding guidance by the State.
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen
Serving the working poor, families, homeless and seniors living in and around the downtown and East Side of San Jose for more than 25 years. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.
No Cost Meals for ALL Youth Age 0-18
School Year 2020-2021 Application for Free and Reduced Priced Meal is Now Available. Apply Online Here!
Schedule change to the No Cost Meals distribution per Student Nutrition Services
Santa Clara County Food Pantries
Information and contact information on programs that provide boxes of free groceries in Milpitas and Alviso.
Senior Center
The Senior Lunch program is once again available. Reserve your meal and then come from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm to the Senior Center Community Room. To make your To-Go lunch reservations please call 408-586-3413.
Seniors 60 years and older, suggested contribution is $3 per meal.
Guests 50-59 years, $6 per meal.
A reservation is required to guarantee a meal. Reservations must be made by 12:00 pm the day before(or Friday for a Monday meal). Reservations can be made by notifying the Nutrition Desk staff or by calling the Lunch Reservation Hotline at 408-586-3413
Menus are included in the Senior Newsletter.