Milpitas Elementary Alumni

Milpitas Alumni Groups & Reunions

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Milpitas Library

Milpitas Elementary Alumni showed up Saturday, January 10, 2009 for the Grand Opening Ceremony of the “New” Public Library In front of the historic Milpitas Grammar School, 160 N. Main St.

School Alumni Groups

Milpitas, Ayer and Calaveras Alumni
Alumni from the city of Milpitas, CA. Milpitas High, Samuel Ayer high, Calaveras High, Rancho Jr. and Randall Jr. When you join the group, announce yourself on the wall by your school, year and maiden name, if needed. If you don’t see your Yearbook cover, post it under the Photo Sections. If you are the “leader” or “Prez” of your Alumni Class, let me know what School and Year and I’ll add you to the Admin.

Milpitas High Class Reunion Organizers
Open to Reunion Organizers for classes that graduated from Milpitas High, and those that track school reunion info. Please use this group to help find your missing classmates, share ideas, plan mixed-grad year activities, etc.

Milpitas High School on Facebook
Join and post on The Wall or discussion board. View photos of old friends. Find out what they are doing now!

Rancho Jr. high on Facebook
If you were a Rancho Don, then this group is for you.

Samuel Ayer High School Alumni
For all graduates and former students and teachers of Samuel Ayer High School from 1959 to its closing in 1980 and their families. A place to share memories, reconnect or make new friends with others who are connected to the Samuel Ayer Trojans and the great city of Milpitas, California! (Please add SAHS to your “INFO” school, so we can add you without further inquiries!)

Class Alumni Groups

Samuel Ayer High – Class of 76
Watch here for announcements and details related to (a possible) 40 year reunion for 2016. If you have ideas for venues, locations, and/or activities please let us know. Also, if you would like to help in any way (i.e. getting the word out, planning, finding classmates, etc.) let us know.

Samuel Ayer Trojans Class of 1978
A place where we can reminisce, reflect and renew old friendships.

MHS Class of 1979
30th Reunion Saturday, August 15, 2009, 6p to midnight, at the Fremont Marriott, with a picnic the next day. An active message board where you may get information or contact other alumni. Moderator is Trish McDermott, 510-501-0692 or

Milpitas High School Class Of 1980
Facebook group announcing life events for the Class of 1980.

Ayer/Milpitas H.S. Class of 1981
Class of 1981 had a 30th reunion in 2011. Let’s get everyone reconnect here so we can have a great 35th. We don’t care if you graduated at another school or earlier or later than the rest of us. If you went through a good part of school with us, and we are your friends, we want to see you at the reunions!

Milpitas High School & Cal Hills Class of 1986!
A place for the Class of 86! Milpitas High & Cal Hills Classmates. 30th Reunion Announcement! Come on, Class of ’86!

Milpitas High School Class of 1987 30 Year Reunion
We are in the beginning stages of organizing our 30 year reunion for Milpitas High School Class of 1987. Like and turn on notifications to stay updated. Website.

MHS Class of 1988
For all the people out there that graduated or was ever a member of M.H.S. Class of 1988. (all Cal Hill graduates are welcome!!!!!!)

Milpitas High School Class of ’89 20 Year Reunion
Here lies the remains of the Milpitas High School CLASS OF 1988!   Come one, come all… Once a fairly lively Yahoo Group

Milpitas High School Class of 1990 20-Year Reunion Group
Hello class of 90, does anyone know about what’s going on with are 25th class reunion?

Milpitas High School Class of 1991
Hello, Milpitas High School Class of 1991! We have created a Facebook group to keep you posted on any news, upcoming events, & also provide you with a place to share your pictures, memories, & thoughts.

Milpitas High School Class of 1992 Alumni
Connecting with all Class of 1992 graduates!

Milpitas Class of 1993
GO MILPITAS HIGH SCHOOL!!! THE MIGHTY CLASS OF 93 IS ON THE PREMISES!!! Anybody who graduated from MHS in 1993 is welcome to join. Anybody who graduated from Cal Hills in 1993 is welcome to join.

Milpitas Class of 1994 Alumni
Milpitas only shares certain information with everyone. To learn more about Milpitas, add him as a friend.

Milpitas High School Class of 1995
Welcome Class of ’95! It’s great to see you! Come here to reminisce, share photos and videos, relive memories and learn about any events we have coming up, including our 20th Reunion!

MHS Class of 1996
This is an alumni Facebook group for members of the Class of 1996 of Milpitas High School, Milpitas, CA.

Milpitas High School, Class of 1996
Has it really been almost 22 years since we graduated?!

Milpitas High School, Class of 1997
Has it really been almost 21 years since we graduated?!

Milpitas HIgh School Alumni Class of 2000
For Alumni of Milpitas High School, Class of 2000… Please feel free to add any fellow classmates.

Milpitas High School Class of 2005
Looks like not enough interest, so reunion may be cancelled or downsized.

Milpitas High School Class of 2006 and ’06
For the Milpitas High School Class of 2006 to re-connect.

Milpitas High School Class of 2008
It’s been nearly 10 years since we graduated MHS! Please add our classmates from the class of 2008 so we can plan our 10-year reunion.

Milpitas High School Class Of 2010
Join this Facebook Group if you graduated from Milpitas High in 2010.

Milpitas High School Class Of 2011
For all the Milpitas High students graduating in 2011!

Milpitas High School Class Of 2013
Pride to SOPHOMORES We’re so much MORE than cool, we got a page here. Add our sister site.

Milpitas High School Class Of 2020
Parents of MHS Class of 2020 Students.

Samuel Ayer High School Alumni – 1959 to 1980
Reunion planned in September 2019 in Murphy Park.

Memorial and Other Alumni Notification Groups

Milpitas Alumni Memorial Page
Remember the passing of any Milpitas school’s alumni or staff.